Semiconductor and Photonic Devices Track

Learn which core courses are included in this track under M.S. Electrical Engineering

  • ECE 7310 Introduction to Semiconductors

  • ECE 7312 Compound Semiconductor Devices and Processing

  • ECE 7322 Semiconductor Devices and Fabrication

  • ECE 7330 Electromagnetics: Guided Waves

  • ECE 7332 Electromagnetics: Radiation and Antennas

  • ECE 7333 Antenna and Radiowave Propagation

  • ECE 7336 Introduction to Integrated Photonics

  • ECE 7356 VLSI Design and Labs

  • ECE 7321 Semiconductor Device and Circuits

  • ECE 7375 Random Processes in Engineering

  • ECE 8355 Transistor Integrated Circuits

  • ECE 8331 Microwave Electronics

  • ECE 8364 Statistical Pattern Recognition