
Biological Sciences, B.A.

The B.A. degree program is designed for students who wish to couple training in the biological sciences with a broad liberal arts program. Students who are preparing for medical or dental school should consult with the prehealth adviser about additional science requirements. 

Biological Sciences, B.S.

The B.S. degree program is designed for students who plan careers in the biological sciences or further study in graduate or professional schools. Although statistics is used extensively in biological research, preprofessional students should be aware that certain medical schools also require a full year of calculus. 

Biological Sciences B.S. (Molecular and Cell Biology, M.S.)

The primary goal of the combined B.S.-M.S. degree is to encourage and better prepare undergraduates for careers in biological research. The accelerated pathway permits students to complete the requirements for the B.S. degree in biological sciences and the requirements for the M.S. degree in molecular and cell biology in a total of five years.