Undergraduate Programs

In August 2019, the Department of Earth Sciences moved to a modernized curriculum that offers a B.A. and B.S. in Earth Sciences and minors in Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences. Two new required courses at the 2000-level fully develop the dynamic nature of and the connections among the Earth’s interior, water, atmosphere, and life, both today and through geologic time, and the courses provide foundational content for advanced studies in Earth Sciences. Specialization at the upper level mimics previous degree programs (Geology, Geophysics, Environmental Sciences, and Environmental Studies), but the revised curriculum offers students increased flexibility to self-designed studies in other areas of Earth Sciences.

How do the new programs benefit students?

  • Modernized curriculum reflecting the breadth of Earth Sciences
  • Flexible to meet student’s individual interests
  • Provides better equivalencies for transfer students
  • Better prepares students for post-undergraduate employment or graduate school