Course Information

A list of all courses can be found in the .  

Important notes regarding all special courses:

  • If you meet the prerequisites and would like to move forward, please complete the corresponding application or interest form below via DocuSign.  Your DocuSign submission will automatically be sent electronically to the Director of Undergraduate Studies for approval.
  • No exceptions will be made to the prerequisites.  Do not fill out the form unless you meet all requirements.
  • If you do not know how to pull your full DPR (not the summary), click here. You can find both your overall GPA and major GPA in your DPR. 

The Economics Department also offers three special courses which require approval:

Description: This advanced economics internship credit course requires weekly journal entries reflecting student experience.

Prerequisites: C- or better in the following: ECO 3301, ECO 3302; two advanced economics classes; STAT 2331 or STAT 4340; and approval of the Director of Undergraduate Studies.

The internship counts as 1-hour of pass/fail free elective credit only. It will not fulfill Economics major requirements.

The internship and the internship course must be taken concurrently (i.e. during the same semester). Tuition will be billed.

A minimum of 100 hours of work experience/semester is required.

In order to enroll in ECO 4185, the application must be completed in its entirety by the first day of class.  To apply for the course, click . 


Description:  Eligible students undertake a 15-20 page research paper under the supervision of a faculty sponsor and give an oral presentation of the paper before a faculty committee.  This is a rigorous course restricted to students who meet the below requirements.

Prerequisites: ECO 3301, ECO 3302, two advanced economics classes, 3.500 GPA in economics classes, and one of the following: STAT 2331 or STAT 4340.

In order to register for ECO 4390, all required materials must be received by the last day of classes of the semester prior.  Note: This course can only be taken once. 

If you meet the prerequisites and would like to move forward, please submit the .  If your interest form is approved, an application will also be required. 



Description:  Eligible students undertake a 20-25 page research paper under the supervision of a faculty sponsor and give an oral presentation of the paper before a faculty committee.  This is a rigorous course restricted to students who meet the below requirements.

Prerequisites: ECO 3301, ECO 3302, two advanced economics courses, 3.700 GPA in economics classes, 3.500 GPA overall, senior standing, and one of the following: STAT 2331 or STAT 4340.

In order to register for ECO 4398, all required materials must be received by the last day of classes of the semester prior  Note: This course can only be taken once. 

If you meet the prerequisites and would like to move forward, please submit the .  If your interest form is approved, an application will also be required.