
2022 Courses

Fall Schedule of Classes 2022

*for a complete listing of Philosophy courses visit the official 51²è¹Ý 

1300. Introduction to Critical Thinking
Learning to analyze, evaluate, and present information in order to better assess one’s own beliefs and to persuade others more effectively.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics

001 11:00AM - 12:20PM TuTh HYER 107 Matey

1301. Elementary Logic 
An introductory course in symbolic logic. Logic provides a means for determining whether the purported conclusion of an argument really does follow from the premises. In symbolic logic, mechanical procedures are developed for determining whether a given argument is valid. The techniques and skills acquired through logic have important applications not only within other academic areas such as the sciences and humanities, but may be of use within various professional areas, including law. Counts towards the cognitive science minor.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Proficiencies and Experiences: 2016 Quantitative Reasoning (section 002 only)

001 9:30AM - 10:50AM TuTh FOSC 155 Ehring
002   3:30PM - 4:50PM   TuTh   DALL 116   Lockard
003   12:30PM - 1:50PM   TuTh   DALL 142   Ehring

1305. Introduction to Philosophy 
A general introduction to the central questions of philosophy. We will discuss topics from such areas as the theory of knowledge, philosophy of religion, metaphysics, philosophy of mind, ethics, and political philosophy. Typical questions might include: Can we know the world outside our minds? Is it rational to believe in a God who allows evil to exist? Do the laws of physics allow for human freedom? Is morality more than a matter of opinion? Can there be unequal wealth in a just society? Readings will include classical authors such as Plato, Descartes, Locke, Hume, and Mill, as well as contemporary philosophers. The focus of the course will be on arguments for and against proposed solutions to key problems of philosophy.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics

001 2:00PM - 3:20PM TuTh PRTH 100 Barnes
002 2:00PM - 3:20PM TuTh ACSH 218


003H    12:30PM - 1:50PM   TuTh   DALL 102   Fisher

1306. Introduction to Philosophy – Mind, Machines, and Persons
A focused introduction to the central questions of philosophy, with an emphasis on the mind and the self. Typical questions might include the following: Does the soul exist? Is the mind the same thing as the brain? Can animals feel pain? Can they think? Can a computer think? Might the mind be a computer? What is consciousness? Can people understand experiences radically different from their own? What is the self? Can one survive the death of the body? The focus of the course is on arguments for and against proposed solutions to philosophical problems concerning mind, machines, and persons. Counts towards the cognitive science minor.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics

002 3:30PM - 4:50PM TuTh CLEM 120 Thompson
701 5:00PM - 6:20PM TuTh CLEM 120 Thompson

1316. Introduction to Ethics
Introduces philosophical ethics focusing on questions in ethical theory. Topics vary but the following are representative. What makes our lives good or bad? What makes our actions morally right or morally wrong? Is there a real, objective difference between good and bad, right and wrong? Why be moral? Focuses on arguments for and against major positions on issues such as these.


*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics


001 9:30AM - 10:50AM
TuTh HYER 111 Robinson

1317. Business Ethics
Examines the moral dimensions of actions and practices in the business world. Students explore ethical theories and standards of evaluation for actions and practices generally, and discuss how these theories and standards apply to a variety of issues in business. Topics vary, but the following are representative: advertising, capitalism vs. socialism, corporate culture, product quality and safety, the responsibilities of corporations to the societies that sustain them, the use of animals in product testing, and working conditions and compensation.


*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics


001 10:00AM - 10:50AM MWF CLEM 120 Daley and Sverdlik
002 11:00AM - 11:50AM MWF CLEM 120 Daley and Sverdlik
003 3:30PM - 4:50PM TuTh HYER 201 Hunt
704 5:00PM - 6:20PM TuTh HYER 201 Hunt

1318. Contemporary Moral Problems
An introduction to philosophical ethics focusing on questions in applied ethics. Students begin by exploring ethical theories and philosophical methods. The majority of the course is devoted to applying those theories and methods to some of the most controversial and pressing issues confronting contemporary society. Topics vary, but the following are representative: abortion, animal rights, affirmative action, capital punishment, economic justice, euthanasia, sexuality, war and terrorism, and world hunger. Class discussion is an important component of the course, as is reading and (in some sections) writing argumentative essays about these issues.


*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry

*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics


001 11:00AM - 11:50AM MWF HYER 110 Hiltz
002 1:00PM - 1:50PM MWF HYER 110 Hunt
003 2:00PM - 2:50PM MWF HYER 110 Hunt
004 2:00PM - 2:50PM MWF HYER 201 Hiltz
005 3:00PM - 3:50 PM MWF HYER 201 Hiltz
006   11:00AM - 12:20PM   TuTh   HYER 111   Liberman

1319. Technology, Society, and Value
Advances in technology are raising many ethical issues that require serious considerations. We will discuss issues surrounding such technologies and how they affect the views of warfare, privacy, human enhancement, and artificial intelligence.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Breadth: 2016 Technology and Mathematics

001 3:00PM - 3:50PM MWF HYER 110 Hunt
002 9:30AM - 10:50AM TuTh DALL 142 Daley and Parker-Ryan
003H 11:00AM - 12:20PM TuTh DALL 156 Daley and Howell
004C 11:00AM - 12:20PM TuTh DALL 156 Daley and Howell
005 11:00AM - 11:50AM MWF HYER 111 Crabill
006 1:00PM - 1:50PM MWF CLEM 120 Crabill
007    2:00PM - 2:50PM   MWF   CLEM 120   Crabill

3301. Intermediate Logic
Introduces the formal theory of the logical systems students have already learned to use: sentential logic and predicate logic. Students learn to prove the completeness and soundness of both of these systems. Also, simple nonstandard logical systems such as modal, epistemic, or deontic logic, if time permits. Prerequisite: PHIL 1301 or its equivalent. Counts towards the cognitive science minor.

*Breadth: 2016 Technology and Mathematics 
*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts

001 2:00PM - 3:20PM TuTh DALL 101 Lockard

3315. Philosophy of Mind
A systematic treatment of the nature of consciousness, self, and person. Counts towards the cognitive science or neuroscience minor.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts

001 2:00PM - 3:20PM TuTh DALL 306 Matey

3324. Consciousness: Theoretical and Empirical Approaches
How do recent empirical findings in cognitive psychology and neuroscience advance our understanding of the nature of consciousness? What philosophical issues do such findings and their explanations raise? Counts towards the cognitive science minor.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Proficiencies and Experiences: CC Oral Communication
*Proficiencies and Experiences: CC Writing
*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts
*Foundations: 2016 Ways of Knowing
*Proficiencies and Experiences: 2016 Oral Communication
*Proficiencies and Experiences: 2016 Writing

001 11:00AM - 12:20PM TuTh DALL 357 Chuard

3351. History of Western Philosophy - Ancient
 A study of the major philosophers from Thales to Plotinus, including Plato and Aristotle. Please note: this course is not offered in the Spring term.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities & Fine Arts


001 9:30AM - 10:50AM TuTh CARU 183 Barnes

3364. Philosophy of Biology
A survey of topics in the philosophy of biology, including evolution versus creationism, fitness, units of selection, adaptationism, biological taxonomy, evolution in humans, cultural evolution, and niche construction.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities & Fine Arts
*Foundations: 2016 Ways of Knowing


001 3:30PM - 4:50PM TuTh HCSH 117 Fisher

3371. Social and Political Philosophy
Explores central questions in social and political philosophy. Topics vary, but the following are representative. What forms of government are most reasonable and morally defensible? What is justice, and how might it be embodied in a system of government? Are there such things as natural rights? What is the basis for saying that we have rights to freedom of speech and religion? What would constitute a just or fair distribution of the benefits and burdens of social cooperation? Do citizens in a modern, democratic state have a moral obligation to obey its laws? When, if ever, is it legitimate for a state to go to war? 

*Proficiencies and Experiences: CC Civics and Individual Ethics
*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts

001 10:00AM - 10:50AM MWF HYER 110 Hiltz

3374. Philosophy of Law
This course explores some central and interrelated issues in philosophy of law, or jurisprudence, with a particular emphasis on the role that morality plays in our understanding of law and in the interpretation and application of the law. Here are some of the questions we will consider: When and why does the content of law - what the law is - depend on the content of morality - on what is right and wrong, just and unjust, fair and unfair, etc.? When and how does interpreting and applying laws (statutes, precedents, etc.) involve making value judgments, including moral judgments? Does the United States Constitution enact the “original understanding” of freedom of speech, due process of law, equal protection of the laws, and so on? Or does it, instead, direct us to apply our own, perhaps quite different, understandings of these concepts? (The latter view is called “the moral reading” of the Constitution.) Is there a moral obligation to obey the law? When and why is punishing those who break the law morally justified? Satisfies elective requirements in the following majors and minors: philosophy, ethics, human rights, and law and legal reasoning.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities & Fine Arts

001 2:00PM - 3:20PM TuTh DALL 157 Robinson

3375. Topics in Moral Philosophy: Capitalism and its Critics
A topics offering that seeks to take advantage of the wide variety of issues that can be fruitfully explored in a course in moral philosophy. May be repeated for credit. Recently offered topics include the meaning of life, neuroethics, Plato’s ethical thought, practical rationality, and procreation & parenthood. 

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities & Fine Arts

001 10:00AM - 10:50AM MWF HYER 111 Crabill

3376. Bioethics
An examination of ethical questions arising within medical practice, medical research, and the life sciences. 

*Proficiencies and Experiences: CC Civics and Individual Ethics
*Depth: 2016 Humanities & Fine Arts

001 2:00PM - 3:20PM TuTh DLSB 131 Liberman

3377. Animal Rights
Explores the nature of nonhuman animals, their moral status, and the way we treat them. First we will consider questions about the minds of animals. Are animals conscious? Can they think about the future? Are they self-aware? Exploring those questions will prepare us for our second set of topics about the moral status of animals. Do animals have rights like humans do? Do we have moral obligations to animals? Is there a difference between the moral status of animals that fall into different categories (pets, domesticated animals, and wild animals)? Third, we will examine the way animals are used for food, for entertainment, and in biomedical research. What laws already protect animals and what changes are needed?

*Proficiencies and Experiences: CC Civics and Individual Ethics
*Depth: 2016 Humanities & Fine Arts
*Foundations: 2016 Ways of Knowing

001 1:00PM - 1:50PM MWF HYER 106 Kazez

3378. The Good Life: An Inquiry into Individual and Social Ethics 
Provides skills for reasoning ethically about a good life as an individual and society, drawing on resources from philosophy, theology, and political science.

*Proficiencies and Experiences: CC Civics and Individual Ethics

001 12:30PM - 1:50PM TuTh CARU 183 Long

3381. Neuroethics
Neuroethics concerns the ethical questions raised by the brain sciences. Is neuroenhancement morally problematic? Should the use of brain scans be limited? What does neuroscience tell us about ethical judgment?

*Proficiencies and Experiences: CC Civics and Individual Ethics
*Depth: 2016 Humanities & Fine Arts

001 9:30AM - 10:50AM TuTh DALL 157 Howell


July B (11-day session) Schedule of Classes 2022

*for a complete listing of Philosophy courses visit the official 51²è¹Ý 

1319. Technology, Society, and Value
Advances in technology are raising many ethical issues that require serious consideration. We will discuss issues surrounding such technologies and how they affect the views of warfare, privacy, human enhancement, and artificial intelligence.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Breadth: 2016 Technology and Mathematics

012B 10:00AM  - 1:50PM M-F HYER 102 Parker-Ryan

July A (11-day session) Schedule of Classes 2022

*for a complete listing of Philosophy courses visit the official 51²è¹Ý 

1317. Business Ethics
Examines the moral dimensions of actions and practices in the business world. Students explore ethical theories and standards of evaluation for actions and practices generally, and discuss how these theories and standards apply to a variety of issues in business. Topics vary, but the following are representative: advertising, capitalism vs. socialism, corporate culture, product quality and safety, the responsibilities of corporations to the societies that sustain them, the use of animals in product testing, and working conditions and compensation.


*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics


012A 10:00AM - 1:50PM M-F HYER 201 Daley


July (Summer 2) Schedule of Classes 2022

*for a complete listing of Philosophy courses visit the official 51²è¹Ý 




3351. History of Western Philosophy -Ancient
 A study of the major philosophers from Thales to Plotinus, including Plato and Aristotle. Please note: this course is not offered in the Spring term.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts


0012 2:00PM - 3:50PM M-F HYER 110 Barnes

June (Summer 1) Schedule of Classes 2022

*for a complete listing of Philosophy courses visit the official 51²è¹Ý 



1301. Elementary Logic 
An introductory course in symbolic logic. Logic provides a means for determining whether the purported conclusion of an argument really does follow from the premises. In symbolic logic, mechanical procedures are developed for determining whether a given argument is valid. The techniques and skills acquired through logic have important applications not only within other academic areas such as the sciences and humanities, but may be of use within various professional areas, including law.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Proficiencies and Experiences: 2016 Quantitative Reasoning

0011 3:00PM - 4:50PM M-F HYER 100 Lockard

3352. History of Western Philosophy - Modern
Survey course in the history of modern philosophy covering the modern period, from Descartes to Hume, including Leibniz, Spinoza, Locke, and Berkeley. Examines many seminal writings in philosophy on such key issues as rationalism and empiricism, the nature of external reality and one’s knowledge of it, the existence and nature of God, the relation between mind and body, causation, induction, and the nature of morality and moral action. Satisfies one part of the history requirement for philosophy majors; may be used to satisfy the history requirement for philosophy minors. Please note: this course is not offered in the Fall term.
*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 History, Social and Behavioral Sciences
*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts


0011 2:00PM - 3:50PM M-F HYER 200 Hiltz

May Schedule of Classes 2022

*for a complete listing of Philosophy courses visit the official 51²è¹Ý 

1305. Introduction to Philosophy 
A general introduction to the central questions of philosophy. We will discuss topics from such areas as the theory of knowledge, philosophy of religion, metaphysics, philosophy of mind, ethics, and political philosophy. Typical questions might include: Can we know the world outside our minds? Is it rational to believe in a God who allows evil to exist? Do the laws of physics allow for human freedom? Is morality more than a matter of opinion? Can there be unequal wealth in a just society? Readings will include classical authors such as Plato, Descartes, Locke, Hume, and Mill, as well as contemporary philosophers. The focus of the course will be on arguments for and against proposed solutions to key problems of philosophy.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics

001 11:00AM - 3:00PM M-F HYER 200 Lockard


1317. Business Ethics
Examines the moral dimensions of actions and practices in the business world. Students explore ethical theories and standards of evaluation for actions and practices generally, and discuss how these theories and standards apply to a variety of issues in business. Topics vary, but the following are representative: advertising, capitalism vs. socialism, corporate culture, product quality and safety, the responsibilities of corporations to the societies that sustain them, the use of animals in product testing, and working conditions and compensation.


*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics

001 10:00AM - 2:00PM M-F HYER 107 Daley


1319. Technology, Society, and Value
Advances in technology are raising many ethical issues that require serious consideration. We will discuss issues surrounding such technologies and how they affect the views of warfare, privacy, human enhancement, and artificial intelligence.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Breadth: 2016 Technology and Mathematics

001 10:00PM - 2:00PM M-F HYER 106 Parker-Ryan


3323. Philosophy of Psychology and Neuroscience
What sorts of explanations do cognitive psychologists and neuroscientists seek about cognitive functions and the nature of our minds? What assumptions, and what evidence, do such explanations rest upon? Counts towards the cognitive science or neuroscience minor.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Proficiencies and Experiences: CC Writing
*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts
*Foundation: 2016 Ways of Knowing
*Proficiencies and Experiences: 2016 Information Literacy
*Proficiencies and Experiences: 2016 Oral Communication
*Proficiencies and Experiences: 2016 Writing

001 9:00AM - 11:00AM M-F DALL 156 Matey
    12:00PM - 2:00PM    M-F   DALL 156   Matey




Spring Schedule of Classes 2022

*for a complete listing of Philosophy courses visit the official 51²è¹Ý 

1301. Elementary Logic 
An introductory course in symbolic logic. Logic provides a means for determining whether the purported conclusion of an argument really does follow from the premises. In symbolic logic, mechanical procedures are developed for determining whether a given argument is valid. The techniques and skills acquired through logic have important applications not only within other academic areas such as the sciences and humanities, but may be of use within various professional areas, including law. Counts towards the cognitive science minor.

*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Proficiencies and Experiences: 2016 Quantitative Reasoning (section 002 only)

001 9:30AM - 10:50AM TR HYER 110 Ehring
002   11:00AM - 12:20PM   TR   HYER 110   Lockard
003   12:30PM - 1:50PM    TR   DALL 116    Ehring


1305. Introduction to Philosophy 
A general introduction to the central questions of philosophy. We will discuss topics from such areas as the theory of knowledge, philosophy of religion, metaphysics, philosophy of mind, ethics and political philosophy. Typical questions might include: Can we know the world outside our minds? Is it rational to believe in a God who allows evil to exist? Do the laws of physics allow for human freedom? Is morality more than a matter of opinion? Can there be unequal wealth in a just society? Readings will include classical authors such as Plato, Descartes, Locke, Hume and Mill, as well as contemporary philosophers. The focus of the course will be on arguments for and against proposed solutions to key problems of philosophy.

*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry

001 3:00PM - 3:50PM MWF HYER 107 Barnes
002 2:00PM - 3:20PM TR DALL 142 Chuard
003    2:00PM - 3:20PM   TR   HYER 107   Howell


1306. Introduction to Philosophy – Mind, Machines, and Persons
A focused introduction to the central questions of philosophy, with an emphasis on the mind and the self. Typical questions might include the following: Does the soul exist? Is the mind the same thing as the brain? Can animals feel pain? Can they think? Can a computer think? Might the mind be a computer? What is consciousness? Can people understand experiences radically different from their own? What is the self? Can one survive the death of the body? The focus of the course is on arguments for and against proposed solutions to philosophical problems concerning mind, machines, and persons. Counts towards the cognitive science minor.

*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry

001 12:30PM - 1:50PM TR HYER 102 Fisher
002 12:30PM - 1:50PM TR DALL 142 Thompson


1316. Introduction to Ethics
Introduces philosophical ethics focusing on questions in ethical theory. Topics vary, but the following are representative. What makes our lives good or bad? What makes our actions morally right or morally wrong? Is there a real, objective difference between good and bad, right and wrong? Why be moral? Focuses on arguments for and against major positions on issues such as these.


*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry


001 9:30AM - 10:50AM TR MAGU 354 Robinson


1317. Business Ethics
Examines the moral dimensions of actions and practices in the business world. Students explore ethical theories and standards of evaluation for actions and practices generally, and discuss how these theories and standards apply to a variety of issues in business. Topics vary, but the following are representative: advertising, capitalism vs. socialism, corporate culture, product quality and safety, the responsibilities of corporations to the societies that sustain them, the use of animals in product testing, and working conditions and compensation.


*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry


001 10:00AM - 10:50AM MWF DALL 142 Crabill
002 10:00AM - 10:50AM MWF MAGU 356 Daley
003 11:00AM - 11:50AM MWF DALL 142 Crabill
004 11:00AM - 11:50AM MWF MAGU 356 Daley


1318. Contemporary Moral Problems
An introduction to philosophical ethics focusing on questions in applied ethics. Students begin by exploring ethical theories and philosophical methods. The majority of the course is devoted to applying those theories and methods to some of the most controversial and pressing issues confronting contemporary society. Topics vary, but the following are representative: abortion, animal rights, affirmative action, capital punishment, economic justice, euthanasia, sexuality, war and terrorism, and world hunger. Class discussion is an important component of the course, as is reading and (in some sections) writing argumentative essays about these issues.


*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry


001 11:00AM - 11:50AM MWF MAGU 354 Hiltz
002 2:00PM - 2:50PM MWF MAGU 354 Hiltz
003 3:00PM - 3:50PM MWF MAGU 354 Hiltz
004H 12:30PM - 1:50PM TR HYER 106 Matey
005    2:00PM - 2:50PM   MWF   CLEM 120   Parker-Ryan


1319. Technology, Society, and Value
Advances in technology are raising many ethical issues that require serious consideration. We will discuss issues surrounding such technologies and how they affect the views of warfare, privacy, human enhancement, and artificial intelligence.

*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Breadth: 2016 Technology and Mathematics

001 1:00PM - 1:50PM MWF MAGU 356 Crabill
002H 2:00PM - 2:50PM MWF MAGU 356 Crabill
003C 2:00PM - 2:50PM MWF MAGU 356 Crabill
004 1:00PM - 1:50PM MWF HYER 107 Parker-Ryan
005 9:30AM - 10:50AM TR MAGU 356 Daley
006 11:00AM - 12:20PM TR MAGU 356 Daley


3310. Advanced Topics in Philosophy: Rationality
A topics offering that seeks to take advantage of the wide variety of issues that can be fruitfully explored in a course in advanced philosophy. May be repeated for credit. Recently offered topics include: the philosophy of human emotions; the metaphysics of necessity; meaning and methodology.

Rationality: In this class we will be looking at questions about the nature of rational belief and rational action, paying special attention to ways in which these are interrelated.  Topics to be covered will include logical and probabilistic consistency of belief, representation of preferences by utility functions, decision theory, and the challenges of making rational collective decisions.  PHIL 1301: Elementary Logic not required, but recommended as background.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts

001 2:00PM - 3:20PM TR CLEM 225 Lockard


3315. Philosophy of Mind
A systematic treatment of the nature of consciousness, self, and person. Counts towards the cognitive science or neuroscience minor.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts

001 3:30PM - 4:50PM TR HYER 110 Matey

3321. Time, Space, and Metaphysics
Does time pass? Do the past and the future exist? Is space a thing? What are the laws of nature? This course introduces some central issues in the metaphysics of science.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts
*Proficiencies and Experiences: 2016 Oral Communication
*Proficiencies and Experiences: 2016 Writing
*Proficiencies and Experiences: CC Oral Communication
*Proficiencies and Experiences: CC Writing

001 11:00AM - 12:20PM TR HCSH 207 Chuard


3322. Pleasure and Pain
Explores the nature of pleasure and pain, their relationships to other mental states, and their significance and value. Do pleasures and pains have intentional content? If so, what do they represent? How are pleasure and pain related to motivation? What can we learn from neuroscience concerning pleasure and pain? Are pleasure and pain essential to what makes life worth living? A previous philosophy course is recommended, but not required. Counts towards the cognitive science or neuroscience minor.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts
*Proficiencies and Experiences: 2016 Writing
*Proficiencies and Experiences: CC Writing

001 3:30PM - 4:50PM TR HYER 106 Thompson


3352. History of Western Philosophy - Modern
Survey course in the history of modern philosophy covering the modern period, from Descartes to Hume, including Leibniz, Spinoza, Locke, and Berkeley. Examines many seminal writings in philosophy on such key issues as rationalism and empiricism, the nature of external reality and one’s knowledge of it, the existence and nature of God, the relation between mind and body, causation, induction, and the nature of morality and moral action. Satisfies one part of the history requirement for philosophy majors. Please note: this course is not offered in the Fall term.
*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts
*Depth: 2016 History, Social and Behavioral Sciences


001 10:00AM - 10:50AM MWF MAGU 354 Hiltz

3362. Creativity, Discovery, and Science
Considers central issues in the history and philosophy of science, with a special emphasis on the nature of creativity and discovery in scientific thought. General questions include the following: What is science, and what is the nature of scientific method? What is the nature of evidence and explanation in science? Addresses in detail the question of how new ideas such as theories and problem solutions are produced and assessed in scientific thinking. Is creativity essentially a random or blind process or is it rule-governed in some way? What is the nature of scientific discovery? Combines literature in the history and philosophy of science together with psychological literature on the nature of creativity to answer these and other questions. No previous coursework in science is required, but some science background equips students to appreciate the relevant issues.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts

001 3:30PM - 4:50PM TR HYER 102 Fisher


3372. Liberty
Investigates the topics of freedom and autonomy primarily from the standpoint of social and political philosophy. Students explore the nature of freedom and its role in a good society along with the nature of autonomy (self-governance) and its role in a good life. Also, the distinction between negative and positive liberty, the nature of coercion, the republican theory of freedom, the nature of personal autonomy, the value of freedom, and other topics.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts
*Proficiencies and Experiences: 2016 Information Literacy

001 10:00AM - 10:50AM MWF JKNS 110 Barnes

3375. Topics in Moral Philosophy: Lifespan Ethics
A topics offering that seeks to take advantage of the wide variety of issues that can be fruitfully explored in a course in moral philosophy. May be repeated for credit. Recently offered topics include the meaning of life, Plato’s ethical thought, practical rationality, and procreation & parenthood.

Lifespan Ethics: This course will explore questions about the nature and value of human life at different ages and stages: Is childhood a particularly good part of life, or the opposite – is it to be escaped as quickly as possible? Is midlife the “prime of life,” a period when everything matters more? Is old age a time when life is worse, or just the opposite – might it be an especially good time of life? Would it be desirable for our lives to last far longer, or would a super-long life inevitably be bad in some way? At every point in life should you “act your age” or is that expectation ageist? To explore these questions (and many others) we’ll make use of philosophical writing both classic and contemporary, writings outside philosophy, and also several movies.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts

001 1:00PM - 1:50PM MWF HYER 106 Kazez

3376. Bioethics
An examination of ethical questions arising within medical practice, medical research, and the life sciences.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities & Fine Arts

001 11:00AM - 12:20PM TR FOSC 155 Liberman

3380. Ethics: Morality, Self-Interest, and Justice
Explores issues in normative ethical and political theory, with a particular emphasis on morality, self-interest, and justice. Topics vary, but the following are representative. Might enlightened self-interest be the basis of morality? Is a morally right action one that maximizes overall happiness or well-being, or are there moral rights or duties that prohibit the sacrifice of individuals or their interests for the sake of the greater good? Does individual well-being (or self-interest) consist of pleasure and freedom from pain? Do our subjective interests (our desires or preferences) determine what is ultimately best for us, or are there desire-independent goods, such as knowledge or moral virtue? To what extent, if any, does justice permit inequality of income or wealth? Do individuals have "natural" rights that prohibit the state from using certain means (e.g. taxes, and transfers) to promote greater social welfare or less economic inequality?

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry

*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts

001 12:30PM - 1:50PM TR HYER 110 Robinson

3383. Feminist Philosophy
Explores the distinctive concepts, methods, tools, and topics for analysis that feminist thinkers bring to bear on traditional philosophical topics, including metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry

001 9:30AM - 10:50AM TR FOSC 155   Liberman

January Schedule of Classes 2022

*for a complete listing of Philosophy courses visit the official 51²è¹Ý 


1319. Technology, Society, and Value
Advances in technology are raising many ethical issues that require serious consideration. We will discuss issues surrounding such technologies and how they affect the views of warfare, privacy, human enhancement, and artificial intelligence.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Breadth: 2016 Technology and Mathematics

001 9:00AM - 4:00PM M-F HYER 201 Parker-Ryan



2021 Courses

Fall Schedule of Classes 2021

*for a complete listing of Philosophy courses visit the official 51²è¹Ý 

1300. Introduction to Critical Thinking
Learning to analyze, evaluate, and present information in order to better assess one’s own beliefs and to persuade others more effectively.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Proficiencies and Experiences: 2016 Quantitative Reasoning

001 12:00PM - 12:50 PM MWF DALL142 Hiltz


1301. Elementary Logic 
An introductory course in symbolic logic. Logic provides a means for determining whether the purported conclusion of an argument really does follow from the premises. In symbolic logic, mechanical procedures are developed for determining whether a given argument is valid. The techniques and skills acquired through logic have important applications not only within other academic areas such as the sciences and humanities, but may be of use within various professional areas, including law. Counts toward the cognitive science minor.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Proficiencies and Experiences: 2016 Quantitative Reasoning

001 11:00AM - 12:20PM TuTh DLSB 131 Lockard


1305. Introduction to Philosophy 
A general introduction to the central questions of philosophy. We will discuss topics from such areas as the theory of knowledge, philosophy of religion, metaphysics, philosophy of mind, ethics, and political philosophy. Typical questions might include: Can we know the world outside our minds? Is it rational to believe in a God who allows evil to exist? Do the laws of physics allow for human freedom? Is morality more than a matter of opinion? Can there be unequal wealth in a just society? Readings will include classical authors such as Plato, Descartes, Locke, Hume, and Mill, as well as contemporary philosophers. The focus of the course will be on arguments for and against proposed solutions to key problems of philosophy.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics

001 3:00PM - 3:50PM MWF HYER 107 Barnes
002 2:00PM - 3:20PM TuTh FOSC 158


003    2:00PM - 2:50PM   MWF   HYER 111   Hunt


1306. Introduction to Philosophy – Mind, Machines, and Persons
A focused introduction to the central questions of philosophy, with an emphasis on the mind and the self. Typical questions might include the following: Does the soul exist? Is the mind the same thing as the brain? Can animals feel pain? Can they think? Can a computer think? Might the mind be a computer? What is consciousness? Can people understand experiences radically different from their own? What is the self? Can one survive the death of the body? The focus of the course is on arguments for and against proposed solutions to philosophical problems concerning mind, machines, and persons. Counts toward the cognitive science minor.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry

*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics

001 11:00AM - 12:20PM TuTh FOSC 155 Thompson
002 12:30PM - 1:50PM TuTh HYER 102 Fisher


1316. Introduction to Ethics
Introduces philosophical ethics focusing on questions in ethical theory. Topics vary, but the following are representative. What makes our lives good or bad? What makes our actions morally right or morally wrong? Is there a real, objective difference between good and bad, right and wrong? Why be moral? Focuses on arguments for and against major positions on issues such as these.


*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics


001 9:30AM - 10:20AM
TuTh DLSB 131 Robinson


1317. Business Ethics
Examines the moral dimensions of actions and practices in the business world. Students explore ethical theories and standards of evaluation for actions and practices generally, and discuss how these theories and standards apply to a variety of issues in business. Topics vary, but the following are representative: advertising, capitalism vs. socialism, corporate culture, product quality and safety, the responsibilities of corporations to the societies that sustain them, the use of animals in product testing, and working conditions and compensation.


*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics


001 11:00AM - 11:50AM MWF HYER 102 Crabill
002 12:00PM - 12:50PM MWF HYER 102 Crabill
003 2:00PM - 2:50PM MWF DALL 142 Hiltz
004 3:00PM - 3:50PM MWF DALL 142 Hiltz


1318. Contemporary Moral Problems
An introduction to philosophical ethics focusing on questions in applied ethics. Students begin by exploring ethical theories and philosophical methods. The majority of the course is devoted to applying those theories and methods to some of the most controversial and pressing issues confronting contemporary society. Topics vary, but the following are representative: abortion, animal rights, affirmative action, capital punishment economic justice, euthanasia, sexuality, war and terrorism, and world hunger. Class discussion is an important component of the course, as is reading and (in some sections) writing argumentative essays about these issues.


*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics


001 9:00AM - 9:50AM MWF HYER 107 Daley
002 11:00AM - 11:50AM MWF ULEE 117 Daley
003 1:00PM - 1:50PM MWF HYER 107 Parker-Ryan
004 2:00PM - 2:50PM MWF HYER 107 Parker-Ryan
005 12:30PM - 1:50PM TuTh HYER 111 Matey
006    3:00PM - 3:50PM    MWF   HYER 111   Hunt


1319. Technology, Society, and Value
Advances in technology are raising many ethical issues that require serious considerations. We will discuss issues surrounding such technologies and how they affect the views of warfare, privacy, human enhancement, and artificial intelligence.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Breadth: 2016 Technology and Mathematics

001 12:00PM - 12:50PM MWF HYER 107 Parker-Ryan
002 2:00PM - 2:50PM MWF HEROY 152 Crabill
003H 12:30PM - 1:50PM TuTh HYER 204 Daley
004C 12:30PM - 1:50PM TuTh HYER 204 Daley
005 3:00PM - 3:50PM MWF HEROY 152 Crabill
006 11:00AM - 12:20PM TuTh HYER 107 Daley


3301. Intermediate Logic
Introduces the formal theory of the logical systems students have already learned to use: sentential logic and predicate logic. Students learn to prove the completeness and soundness of both of these systems. Also, simple nonstandard logical systems such as modal, epistemic, or deontic logic, if time permits. Prerequisite: PHIL 1301 or its equivalent. Counts towards the cognitive science minor.

*Breadth: 2016 Technology and Mathematics 
*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts

001 2:00PM - 3:20PM TuTh DALL 357 Lockard


3310. Advanced Topics in Philosophy: Philosophy and Video Games
A topics offering that seeks to take advantage of the wide variety of issues that can be fruitfully explored in a course in advanced philosophy. May be repeated for credit. Recently offered topics include: the philosophy of human emotions; the metaphysics of necessity; meaning and methodology.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts

001 3:30PM - 4:50PM TuTh HYER 106 Thompson


3316. Minds, Brains, and Robotics
Topics may include neural networks, artificial intelligence, perception and action, consciousness, robotics, dynamical systems, embodied cognition, game theory, and the evolution of cognition. Prerequisites: Two courses in fields related to cognitive science (philosophy, computer science, computer engineering, psychology, linguistics, biology, or anthropology). Counts towards the cognitive science or neuroscience minor.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry 
*Depth: 2016 Humanities & Fine Arts
*Proficiencies and Experiences: 2016 Quantitative Reasoning

001 3:30PM - 4:50PM TuTh HYER 0G1 (basement) Fisher


3323. Philosophy of Psychology and Neuroscience
What sorts of explanations do cognitive psychologists and neuroscientists seek about cognitive functions and the nature of our minds? What assumptions, and what evidence, do such explanations rest upon? Counts towards the cognitive science or neuroscience minor.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Proficiencies and Experiences: CC Writing
*Depth: 2016 Humanities & Fine Arts
*Foundation: 2016 Ways of Knowing

001 3:30PM - 4:50PM TuTh CLEM 325 Matey


3324. Consciousness: Theoretical and Empirical Approaches
How do recent empirical findings in cognitive psychology and neuroscience advance our understanding of the nature of consciousness? What philosophical issues do such findings and their explanations raise? Counts towards the cognitive science minor.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Proficiencies and Experiences: CC Oral Communication
*Proficiencies and Experiences: CC Writing
*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts
*Foundation: 2016 Ways of Knowing
*Proficiencies and Experiences: 2016 Information Literacy
*Proficiencies and Experiences: 2016 Oral Communication
*Proficiencies and Experiences: 2016 Writing

001 11:00AM - 12:20PM TuTh DALL156 Chuard


3351. History of Western Philosophy - Ancient
 A study of the major philosophers from Thales to Plotinus, including Plato and Aristotle. Please note: this course is not offered in the Spring term.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities & Fine Arts


001 10:00AM - 10:50AM MWF DALL142 Barnes

3371. Social and Political Philosophy
Explores central questions in social and political philosophy. Topics vary, but the following are representative. What forms of government are most reasonable and morally defensible? What is justice, and how might it be embodied in a system of government? Are there such things as natural rights? What is the basis for saying that we have rights to freedom of speech and religion? What would constitute a just or fair distribution of the benefits and burdens of social cooperation? Do citizens in a modern, democratic state have a moral obligation to obey its laws? When, if ever, is it legitimate for a state to go to war? 

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts

001 11:00AM -11:50AM MWF DALL 142 Hiltz

3378. The Good Life: An Inquiry into Individual and Social Ethics 
Provides skills for reasoning ethically about a good life as an individual and society, drawing on resources from philosophy, theology, and political science. 

001 12:30PM - 1:50PM TuTh ULEE 243 Long

3379. Environmental Ethics
Explores society’s ethical obligations concerning the natural world. Topical issues like climate change, endangered species, recycling, the population explosion, and wilderness preservation are covered from a variety of philosophical perspectives. 

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities & Fine Arts
*Proficiencies and Experiences: 2016 Oral Communication

001 1:00PM - 1:50PM MWF HYER 106 Kazez

3380. Ethics: Morality, Self-Interest, and Justice
Explores issues in normative ethical and political theory, with a particular emphasis on morality, self-interest, and justice. Topics vary, but the following are representative. Might enlightened self-interest be the basis of morality? Is a morally right action one that maximizes overall happiness or well-being, or are there moral rights or duties that prohibit the sacrifice of individuals or their interests for the sake of the greater good? Does individual well-being (or self-interest) consist of pleasure and freedom from pain? Do our subjective interests (our desires or preferences) determine what is ultimately best for us, or are there desire-independent goods, such as knowledge or moral virtue? To what extent, if any, does justice permit inequality of income or wealth? Do individuals have “natural” rights that prohibit the state from using certain means (e.g., taxes and transfers) to promote greater social welfare or less economic inequality? 

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities & Fine Arts

001 12:30PM - 1:50PM TuTh DALL 102 Robinson

3381. Neuroethics
Neuroethics concerns the ethical questions raised by the brain sciences. Is neuroenhancement morally problematic? Should the use of brain scans be limited? What does neuroscience tell us about ethical judgment?

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities & Fine Arts

001 2:00PM - 3:20PM TuTh DALL 142 Howell


Summer July B Schedule of Classes 2021

*for a complete listing of Philosophy courses visit the official 51²è¹Ý 

1319. Technology, Society, and Value
Advances in technology are raising many ethical issues that require serious consideration. We will discuss issues surrounding such technologies and how they affect the views of warfare, privacy, human enhancement, and artificial intelligence.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Breadth: 2016 Technology and Mathematics

012B 12:00PM -3:50PM M-F VIRTUAL Parker-Ryan

Summer 2 Schedule of Classes 2021

*for a complete listing of Philosophy courses visit the official 51²è¹Ý 


1317. Business Ethics
Examines the moral dimensions of actions and practices in the business world. Students explore ethical theories and standards of evaluation for actions and practices generally, and discuss how these theories and standards apply to a variety of issues in business.


*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry


0012 3:00PM - 6:00PM TuWTh VIRTUAL Daley


3315. Philosophy of Mind
A systematic treatment of the nature of consciousness, self, and person. Counts towards the cognitive science or neuroscience minor.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts

0012 1:00PM - 2:50PM M-F VIRTUAL Fisher


3352. History of Western Philosophy - Modern
Survey course in the history of modern philosophy covering the modern period, from Descartes to Hume, including Leibniz, Spinoza, Locke, and Berkeley. Examines many seminal writings in philosophy on such key issues as rationalism and empiricism, the nature of external reality and one’s knowledge of it, the existence and nature of God, the relation between mind and body, causation, induction, and the nature of morality and moral action. Satisfies one part of the history requirement for philosophy majors; may be used to satisfy the history requirement for philosophy minors. Please note: this course is not offered in the Fall term.
*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 History, Social and Behavioral Sciences
*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts


0012 2:00PM - 3:50PM M-F VIRTUAL Hiltz

Summer 1 Schedule of Classes 2021

*for a complete listing of Philosophy courses visit the official 51²è¹Ý 



1301. Elementary Logic 
An introductory course in symbolic logic. Logic provides a means for determining whether the purported conclusion of an argument really does follow from the premises. In symbolic logic, mechanical procedures are developed for determining whether a given argument is valid. The techniques and skills acquired through logic have important applications not only within other academic areas such as the sciences and humanities, but may be of use within various professional areas, including law.

*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Proficiencies and Experiences: 2016 Quantitative Reasoning

0011 3:00PM - 4:50PM M-F HYER 100 Lockard

3351. History of Western Philosophy -Ancient
 A study of the major philosophers from Thales to Plotinus, including Plato and Aristotle. Please note: this course is not offered in the Spring term.

*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry

*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts


0011 2:00PM - 3:50PM M-F HYER 200 Barnes

May Schedule of Classes 2021

*for a complete listing of Philosophy courses visit the official 51²è¹Ý 

1305. Introduction to Philosophy 
A general introduction to the central questions of philosophy; topics include the theory of knowledge, philosophy of religion, metaphysics, philosophy of mind, ethics and political philosophy. Typical questions might include: Can we know the world outside our minds? Is it rational to believe in a God who allows evil to exist? Do the laws of physics allow for human freedom? Is morality more than a matter of opinion? Can there be unequal wealth in a just society? Readings will include classical authors such as Plato, Descartes, Locke, Hume and Mill, as well as contemporary philosophers. The focus of the course will be on arguments for and against proposed solutions to key problems of philosophy.

*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry

001 10:00AM - 2:00PM M-F VIRTUAL Lockard


1317. Business Ethics
Examines the moral dimensions of actions and practices in the business world. Students explore ethical theories and standards of evaluation for actions and practices generally, and discuss how these theories and standards apply to a variety of issues in business.


*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry

001 10:00AM - 2:00PM M-F VIRTUAL Daley


1319. Technology, Society, and Value
Advances in technology are raising many ethical issues that require serious consideration. We will discuss issues surrounding such technologies and how they affect the views of warfare, privacy, human enhancement, and artificial intelligence.

*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Breadth: 2016 Technology and Mathematics

001 12:00PM - 4:00PM M-F VIRTUAL Parker-Ryan



Spring Schedule of Classes 2021

*for a complete listing of Philosophy courses visit the official 51²è¹Ý 

1301. Elementary Logic 
An introductory course in symbolic logic. Logic provides a means for determining whether the purported conclusion of an argument really does follow from the premises. In symbolic logic, mechanical procedures are developed for determining whether a given argument is valid. The techniques and skills acquired through logic have important applications not only within other academic areas such as the sciences and humanities, but may be of use within various professional areas, including law.

*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Proficiencies and Experiences: 2016 Quantitative Reasoning

001 9:30AM - 10:50AM TR VIRTUAL Ehring
002   11:00AM - 12:20PM   TR   DLSB 131   Lockard


1305. Introduction to Philosophy 
A general introduction to the central questions of philosophy; topics include the theory of knowledge, philosophy of religion, metaphysics, philosophy of mind, ethics and political philosophy. Typical questions might include: Can we know the world outside our minds? Is it rational to believe in a God who allows evil to exist? Do the laws of physics allow for human freedom? Is morality more than a matter of opinion? Can there be unequal wealth in a just society? Readings will include classical authors such as Plato, Descartes, Locke, Hume and Mill, as well as contemporary philosophers. The focus of the course will be on arguments for and against proposed solutions to key problems of philosophy.

*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry

001H 10:00AM - 10:50AM MWF HYER 204 Barnes
002 12:00PM - 12:50PM MWF VIRTUAL Parker-Ryan
003    2:00PM - 3:20PM   TR   DALL 116   Chuard


1306. Introduction to Philosophy – Mind, Machines, and Persons
A focused introduction to the central questions of philosophy, with an emphasis on the mind and the self. Typical questions might include the following: Does the soul exist? Is the mind the same thing as the brain? Can animals feel pain? Can they think? Can a computer think? Might the mind be a computer? What is consciousness? Can people understand experiences radically different from their own? What is the self? Can one survive the death of the body? The focus of the course is on arguments for and against proposed solutions to philosophical problems concerning mind, machines, and persons.

*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry

001 12:30PM - 1:50PM TR VIRTUAL Thompson
002 3:30PM - 4:50PM TR VIRTUAL Fisher


1316. Introduction to Ethics
An introduction to ethics, or moral philosophy, that focuses on questions in ethical theory. Examines topics such as: What makes our lives good or bad, better or worse? What makes our actions morally right or morally wrong? Is the distinction between doing harm and allowing harm a morally relevant one? Can our intentions affect the rightness/wrongness of our actions? When and why is it morally permissible for the state to punish someone for breaking the law?


*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry


001 9:30AM - 10:50AM TR VIRTUAL Robinson


1317. Business Ethics
Examines the moral dimensions of actions and practices in the business world. Students explore ethical theories and standards of evaluation for actions and practices generally, and discuss how these theories and standards apply to a variety of issues in business.


*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry


001 10:00AM - 10:50AM MWF VIRTUAL Crabill
002 11:00AM - 11:50AM MWF VIRTUAL Crabill
003 2:00PM - 2:50PM MWF VIRTUAL Hiltz
004 3:00PM - 3:50PM MWF VIRTUAL Hiltz


1318. Contemporary Moral Problems
An introduction to philosophical ethics focusing on questions in applied ethics. Students begin by exploring ethical theories and philosophical methods. The majority of the course is devoted to applying those theories and methods to some of the most controversial and pressing issues confronting contemporary society.


*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry


001 9:00AM - 9:50AM MWF VIRTUAL Hiltz
002 10:00AM - 10:50AM MWF VIRTUAL Daley
003 11:00AM - 11:50AM MWF VIRTUAL Daley
004 1:00PM - 1:50PM MWF VIRTUAL Parker-Ryan
005   9:30AM - 10:50PM   TR   VIRTUAL   Liberman
006    3:30PM - 4:50PM   TR   VIRTUAL   Matey


1319. Technology, Society, and Value
Advances in technology are raising many ethical issues that require serious consideration. We will discuss issues surrounding such technologies and how they affect the views of warfare, privacy, human enhancement, and artificial intelligence.

*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Breadth: 2016 Technology and Mathematics

001 1:00PM - 1:50PM MWF VIRTUAL Crabill
002H 2:00PM - 2:50PM MWF VIRTUAL Crabill
003C 2:00PM - 2:50PM MWF VIRTUAL Crabill
004 9:30AM - 10:50AM TR VIRTUAL Daley
005 11:00AM - 12:20AM TR VIRTUAL Daley
006 2:00PM - 3:20PM TR VIRTUAL Howell


3310. Advanced Topics in Philosophy: Personal Identity
May be repeated for credit.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts

001 12:30PM - 1:50PM TR VIRTUAL Ehring


3310. Advanced Topics in Philosophy: The Future of Humanity
May be repeated for credit.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts

002 12:30PM - 1:50PM TR VIRTUAL Fisher


3312. Introduction to Philosophy of Language
A systematic treatment of such topics as the nature of linguistic reference, meaning, synonymity, truth, vagueness, and metaphor. Also, issues relating to the goals and methodology of linguistics, such as the status of semantic descriptions, and the nature versus nurture controversy in language acquisition theories. Counts towards the cognitive science minor.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts

001 2:00PM - 3:20PM TR DALL 142 Lockard


3315. Philosophy of Mind
A systematic treatment of the nature of consciousness, self, and person. Counts towards the cognitive science or neuroscience minor.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts
*Proficiencies and Experiences: 2016 Writing

001 3:30PM - 4:50PM TR VIRTUAL Thompson

3321. Time, Space, and Metaphysics
Does time pass? Do the past and the future exist? Is space a thing? What are the laws of nature? This course introduces some central issues in the metaphysics of science.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts
*Proficiences and Experiences: 2016 Information Literacy
*Proficiences and Experiences: 2016 Oral Communication
*Proficiences and Experiences: 2016 Writing
*Proficiences and Experiences: CC Oral Communication
*Proficiences and Experiences: CC Writing

001 11:00AM - 12:20PM TR HYER 204 Chuard


3323. Philosophy of Psychology and Neuroscience
What sorts of explanations do cognitive psychologists and neuroscientists seek about cognitive functions and the nature of our minds? What assumptions, and what evidence, do such explanations rest upon? Counts towards the cognitive science or neuroscience minor.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts
*Foundation: 2016 Ways of Knowing
*Proficiencies and Experiences: 2016 Information Literacy
*Proficiencies and Experiences: 2016 Oral Communication
*Proficiencies and Experiences: 2016 Writing
*Proficiences and Experiences: CC Writing

001 12:30PM - 1:50PM TR VIRTUAL Matey


3352. History of Western Philosophy - Modern
Survey course in the history of modern philosophy covering the modern period, from Descartes to Hume, including Leibniz, Spinoza, Locke, and Berkeley. Examines many seminal writings in philosophy on such key issues as rationalism and empiricism, the nature of external reality and one’s knowledge of it, the existence and nature of God, the relation between mind and body, causation, induction, and the nature of morality and moral action. Satisfies one part of the history requirement for philosophy majors; may be used to satisfy the history requirement for philosophy minors. Please note: this course is not offered in the Fall term.
*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts
*Depth: 2016 History, Social and Behavioral Sciences


001 11:00AM - 11:50AM MWF VIRTUAL Hiltz

3372. Liberty
Investigates the topics of freedom and autonomy primarily from the standpoint of social and political philosophy. Students explore the nature of freedom and its role in a good society along with the nature of autonomy (self-governance) and its role in a good life. Also, the distinction between negative and positive liberty, the nature of coercion, the republican theory of freedom, the nature of personal autonomy, the value of freedom, and other topics.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts
*Proficiences and Experiences: 2016 Information Literacy

001 3:00PM - 3:50PM MWF HYER 201 Barnes

3374. Philosophy of Law
This course explores some central and interrelated issues in philosophy of law, or jurisprudence, with a particular emphasis on the role that morality plays in our understanding of law and in the interpretation and application of the law. Here are some of the questions we will consider: When and why does the content of law - what the law is - depend on the content of morality - on what is right and wrong, just and unjust, fair and unfair, etc.? When and how does interpreting and applying laws (statutes, precedents, etc.) involve making value judgments, including moral judgments? Does the United States Constitution enact the “original understanding” of freedom of speech, due process of law, equal protection of the laws, and so on? Or does it, instead, direct us to apply our own, perhaps quite different, understandings of these concepts? (The latter view is called “the moral reading” of the Constitution.) Is there a moral obligation to obey the law? When and why is punishing those who break the law morally justified? Satisfies elective requirements in the following majors and minors: philosophy, ethics, human rights, and law and legal reasoning.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts

001 12:30PM - 1:50PM TR VIRTUAL Robinson


3375. Topics in Moral Philosophy: The Meaning of Life
A topics offering that seeks to take advantage of the wide variety of issues that can be fruitfully explored in a course in moral philosophy. May be repeated for credit. Recently offered topics include the meaning of life, neuroethics, Plato’s ethical thought, practical rationality, and procreation & parenthood.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts

002 12:00PM - 12:50PM MWF VIRTUAL Kazez

3376. Bioethics
An examination of ethical questions arising within medical practice, medical research, and the life sciences.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities & Fine Arts

001 2:00PM - 3:20PM TR VIRTUAL Liberman

2020 Courses

Fall Schedule of Classes 2020

*for a complete listing of Philosophy courses visit the official 51²è¹Ý 

1300. Introduction to Critical Thinking
Learning to analyze, evaluate, and present information in order to better assess one’s own beliefs and to persuade others more effectively.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Proficiencies and Experiences: 2016 Quantitative Reasoning

001 2:00PM - 2:50 PM MWF VIRTUAL Hiltz


1301. Elementary Logic 
An introductory course in symbolic logic. Logic provides a means for determining whether the purported conclusion of an argument really does follow from the premises. In symbolic logic, mechanical procedures are developed for determining whether a given argument is valid. The techniques and skills acquired through logic have important applications not only within other academic areas such as the sciences and humanities, but may be of use within various professional areas, including law.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Proficiencies and Experiences: 2016 Quantitative Reasoning

001 9:30AM - 10:50AM TR VIRTUAL Ehring
002 11:00AM - 12:20PM TR DALL 116 Lockard


1305. Introduction to Philosophy 
A general introduction to the central questions of philosophy; topics include the theory of knowledge, philosophy of religion, metaphysics, philosophy of mind, ethics and political philosophy. Typical questions might include: Can we know the world outside our minds? Is it rational to believe in a God who allows evil to exist? Do the laws of physics allow for human freedom? Is morality more than a matter of opinion? Can there be unequal wealth in a just society? Readings will include classical authors such as Plato, Descartes, Locke, Hume and Mill, as well as contemporary philosophers. The focus of the course will be on arguments for and against proposed solutions to key problems of philosophy.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics

001 3:00PM - 3:50PM MWF FOSC 158 Barnes
002 2:00PM - 3:20PM TR FOSC 133 Chuard
003    2:00PM - 3:20PM   TR   HYER 102   Lockard


1306. Introduction to Philosophy – Mind, Machines, and Persons
A focused introduction to the central questions of philosophy, with an emphasis on the mind and the self. Typical questions might include the following: Does the soul exist? Is the mind the same thing as the brain? Can animals feel pain? Can they think? Can a computer think? Might the mind be a computer? What is consciousness? Can people understand experiences radically different from their own? What is the self? Can one survive the death of the body? The focus of the course is on arguments for and against proposed solutions to philosophical problems concerning mind, machines, and persons.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics

001 11:00AM - 12:20PM TR VIRTUAL Fisher
002 12:30PM - 1:50PM TR VIRTUAL Thompson


1316. Introduction to Ethics
An introduction to ethics, or moral philosophy, that focuses on questions in ethical theory. Examines topics such as: What makes our lives good or bad, better or worse? What makes our actions morally right or morally wrong? Is the distinction between doing harm and allowing harm a morally relevant one? Can our intentions affect the rightness/wrongness of our actions? When and why is it morally permissible for the state to punish someone for breaking the law?


*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics


001 2:00PM-3:20PM


1317. Business Ethics
Examines the moral dimensions of actions and practices in the business world. Students explore ethical theories and standards of evaluation for actions and practices generally, and discuss how these theories and standards apply to a variety of issues in business.


*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics


001 11:00AM - 11:50AM MWF VIRTUAL Crabill
002 11:00AM - 11:50AM MWF VIRTUAL Hiltz
003 12:00PM - 12:50PM MWF VIRTUAL Crabill
004 12:00PM - 12:50PM MWF VIRTUAL Hiltz


1318. Contemporary Moral Problems
An introduction to philosophical ethics focusing on questions in applied ethics. Students begin by exploring ethical theories and philosophical methods. The majority of the course is devoted to applying those theories and methods to some of the most controversial and pressing issues confronting contemporary society.


*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics


001 9:00AM - 9:50AM MWF VIRTUAL Daley
002 11:00AM - 11:50AM MWF VIRTUAL Daley
003 3:00PM - 3:50PM MWF VIRTUAL Hiltz
004 12:30PM - 1:50PM TR VIRTUAL Liberman
005 12:30PM - 1:50PM TR VIRTUAL Matey
006    2:00PM - 2:50PM   MWF   VIRTUAL   Parker-Ryan


1319. Technology, Society, and Value
Advances in technology are raising many ethical issues that require serious consideration. We will discuss issues surrounding such technologies and how they affect the views of warfare, privacy, human enhancement, and artificial intelligence.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Breadth: 2016 Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Breadth: 2016 Technology and Mathematics

001 2:00PM - 2:50PM MWF VIRTUAL Crabill
002 3:00PM - 3:50PM MWF VIRTUAL Crabill
003H 8:00AM - 9:20AM TR VIRTUAL Daley
004C 8:00AM - 9:20AM TR VIRTUAL Daley
005 9:30AM - 10:50AM TR VIRTUAL Daley
006 12:00PM - 12:50PM MWF VIRTUAL Parker-Ryan


3305. Philosophy and Gender
Considers whether or not there are differences between the sexes and whether or not Western science, philosophy, and ethics have been dominated by male thinking. Also, current issues such as pornography, censorship, rape, and reproductive technologies. Students examine writings by feminist philosophers and their critics.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities & Fine Arts
*Proficiences & Experiences: 2016 Oral Communication

001 3:30PM - 4:50PM TR VIRTUAL Matey


3314. Metaphysics 
Some of the most central and traditional questions in philosophy are metaphysical: Do objects really exist? What are they? And what are persons: do we persist over time, can we survive change? Are we really free, or are all our actions determined by the laws of nature? Are our minds simply reducible to our brains? Are there such things as souls? How about the properties of things - objects have sizes and shapes, we have nationalities and genders, but what are these properties exactly? Can we know anything about the ultimate structure of reality? Does it include God? Is science the only way to discover what really exists and how things really are? This course offers a systematic approach to these questions and others.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities and Fine Arts

001 12:30PM - 1:50PM TR VIRTUAL Ehring


3316. Minds, Brains, and Robotics
Topics may include neural networks, artificial intelligence, perception and action, consciousness, robotics, dynamical systems, embodied cognition, game theory, and the evolution of cognition. Prerequisites: Two courses in fields related to cognitive science (philosophy, computer science, computer engineering, psychology, linguistics, biology, or anthropology). Counts towards the cognitive science or neuroscience minor.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry 
*Depth: 2016 Humanities & Fine Arts
*Proficiencies and Experiences: 2016 Quantitative Reasoning

001 2:00PM - 3:20PM TR VIRTUAL Fisher

3317. Philosophy of Perception
We see penguins (and other things), we hear trumpets (and other things), we smell fresh bread (and other things), taste mustard, touch water, etc. Perceptual experiences like these raise many central philosophical questions. Do they represent reality in an accurate way? Can they provide knowledge about our environment? Is there a special kind of consciousness such experiences instantiate, and if so what is it? This course addresses a host of questions about the nature of our perceptual experiences and surveys some of the answers, including some of the more significant results obtain by the cognitive neurosciences. Counts towards the cognitive science minor.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Proficiencies and Experiences: CC Writing
*Depth: 2016 Humanities & Fine Arts
*Proficiencies and Experiences: 2016 Writing

001 3:30PM - 4:50 TR VIRTUAL Thompson


3324. Consciousness: Theoretical and Empirical Approaches
How do recent empirical findings in cognitive psychology and neuroscience advance our understanding of the nature of consciousness? What philosophical issues do such findings and their explanations raise? Counts towards the cognitive science minor.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Proficiencies and Experiences: CC Oral Communication
*Proficiencies and Experiences: CC Writing
*Depth: 2016 Humanities & Fine Arts
*Foundation: 2016 Ways of Knowing
*Proficiencies and Experiences: 2016 Information Literacy
*Proficiencies and Experiences: 2016 Oral Communication
*Proficiencies and Experiences: 2016 Writing

001 11:00AM - 12:20PM TR VIRTUAL Chuard


3351. History of Western Philosophy - Ancient
 A study of the major philosophers from Thales to Plotinus, including Plato and Aristotle. Please note: this course is only offered in the Fall term.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities & Fine Arts


001 10:00AM - 10:50AM MWF DALL 357 Barnes

3374. Philosophy of Law
This course explores some central and interrelated issues in philosophy of law, or jurisprudence, with a particular emphasis on the role that morality plays in our understanding of law and in the interpretation and application of the law. Here are some of the questions we will consider: When and why does the content of law - what the law is - depend on the content of morality - on what is right and wrong, just and unjust, fair and unfair, etc.? When and how does interpreting and applying laws (statutes, precedents, etc.) involve making value judgments, including moral judgments? Does the United States Constitution enact the “original understanding” of freedom of speech, due process of law, equal protection of the laws, and so on? Or does it, instead, direct us to apply our own, perhaps quite different, understandings of these concepts? (The latter view is called “the moral reading” of the Constitution.) Is there a moral obligation to obey the law? When and why is punishing those who break the law morally justified? Satisfies elective requirements in the following majors and minors: philosophy, ethics, human rights, and law and legal reasoning. 

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities & Fine Arts

001 11:00AM - 12:20PM TR VIRTUAL Robinson

3375. Topics in Moral Philosophy: Feminist Philosophy
A topics offering that seeks to take advantage of the wide variety of issues that can be fruitfully explored in a course in moral philosophy. May be repeated for credit. Recently offered topics include the meaning of life, neuroethics, Plato’s ethical thought, practical rationality, and procreation & parenthood.

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities & Fine Arts


001 9:30AM - 10:50AM TR VIRTUAL Liberman

3377. Animal Rights
Explores the nature of nonhuman animals, their moral status, and the way we treat them. First we will consider questions about the minds of animals. Are animals conscious? Can they think about the future? Are they self-aware? Exploring those questions will prepare us for our second set of topics about the moral status of animals. Do animals have rights like humans do? Do we have moral obligations to animals? Is there a difference between the moral status of animals that fall into different categories (pets, domesticated animals, and wild animals)? Third, we will examine the way animals are used for food, for entertainment, and in biomedical research. What laws already protect animals and what changes are needed?

*Breadth: CC Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Inquiry
*Depth: 2016 Humanities & Fine Arts
*Foundations: 2016 Ways of Knowing


001 12:00PM - 12:50PM MWF VIRTUAL Kazez



Spring Schedule of Classes 2020

*for a complete listing of Philosophy courses visit the official 51²è¹Ý 


1301. Elementary Logic 
An introductory course in symbolic logic. Logic provides a means for determining whether the purported conclusion of an argument really does follow from the premises. In symbolic logic, mechanical procedures are developed for determining whether a given argument is valid. The techniques and skills acquired through logic have important applications not only within other academic areas such as the sciences and humanities, but may be of use within various professional areas, including law.

*Breadth: Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Proficiencies and Experiences: Quantitative Reasoning

001 9:30AM - 10:50AM TR HYER 204 Ehring


1305. Introduction to Philosophy 
A general introduction to the central questions of philosophy; topics include the theory of knowledge, philosophy of religion, metaphysics, philosophy of mind, ethics and political philosophy. Typical questions might include: Can we know the world outside our minds? Is it rational to believe in a God who allows evil to exist? Do the laws of physics allow for human freedom? Is morality more than a matter of opinion? Can there be unequal wealth in a just society? Readings will include classical authors such as Plato, Descartes, Locke, Hume and Mill, as well as contemporary philosophers. The focus of the course will be on arguments for and against proposed solutions to key problems of philosophy.

*Breadth: Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics

001 9:30AM - 10:50AM TR HYER 111 Barnes
002 12:30PM - 1:50PM TR HYER 100 Chuard


1306. Introduction to Philosophy – Mind, Machines, and Persons
A focused introduction to the central questions of philosophy, with an emphasis on the mind and the self. Typical questions might include the following: Does the soul exist? Is the mind the same thing as the brain? Can animals feel pain? Can they think? Can a computer think? Might the mind be a computer? What is consciousness? Can people understand experiences radically different from their own? What is the self? Can one survive the death of the body? The focus of the course is on arguments for and against proposed solutions to philosophical problems concerning mind, machines, and persons.

*Breadth: Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics

001 12:30PM - 1:50PM TR HYER 111 Thompson
002 3:30PM - 4:50PM TR HYER 111 Fisher


1316. Introduction to Ethics
An introduction to ethics, or moral philosophy, that focuses on questions in ethical theory. Examines topics such as: What makes our lives good or bad, better or worse? What makes our actions morally right or morally wrong? Is the distinction between doing harm and allowing harm a morally relevant one? Can our intentions affect the rightness/wrongness of our actions? When and why is it morally permissible for the state to punish someone for breaking the law?


*Breadth: Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics


001H 11:00AM - 12:20PM TR DALL 152 Robinson


1317. Business Ethics
Examines the moral dimensions of actions and practices in the business world. Students explore ethical theories and standards of evaluation for actions and practices generally, and discuss how these theories and standards apply to a variety of issues in business.


*Breadth: Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics


001 9:00AM - 9:50AM MWF HYER 200 Crabill
002 10:00AM - 10:50AM MWF HYER 111 Crabill
003 9:00AM - 9:50AM MWF HYER 110 Daley
004 10:00AM - 10:50AM MWF HYER 110 Daley


1318. Contemporary Moral Problems
An introduction to philosophical ethics focusing on questions in applied ethics. Students begin by exploring ethical theories and philosophical methods. The majority of the course is devoted to applying those theories and methods to some of the most controversial and pressing issues confronting contemporary society.


*Breadth: Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics


001 2:00PM - 2:50PM MWF HYER 204 Hiltz
002 3:00PM - 3:50PM MWF HYER 204 Hiltz
003 11:00AM - 12:20PM TR HYER 100 Liberman
004 3:30PM - 4:50PM TR HYER 100 Matey
005   2:00PM - 2:50PM   MWF   HYER 110   Parker-Ryan
006    5:00PM - 7:50PM   W   HYER 110   Gollop


1319. Technology, Society, and Value
Advances in technology are raising many ethical issues that require serious consideration. We will discuss issues surrounding such technologies and how they affect the views of warfare, privacy, human enhancement, and artificial intelligence.

*Breadth: Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Breadth: Technology and Mathematics

001 8:00AM - 9:20AM TR HYER 107 Daley
002 9:30AM - 10:50AM TR HYER 107 Daley
003 12:00PM - 12:50PM MWF HYER 110 Parker-Ryan
004H 1:00PM - 1:50PM MWF HYER 201 Crabill
005C 1:00PM - 1:50PM MWF HYER 201 Crabill
006 2:00PM - 2:50PM MWF HYER 200 Crabill
007   11:00AM - 11:50AM   MWF   HYER 111   Parker-Ryan


3310. Advanced Topics in Philosophy: The Future of Humanity
May be repeated for credit.

*Depth: Humanities and Fine Arts

001 12:30PM - 1:50PM TR HYER G01 Fisher


3315. Philosophy of Mind
A systematic treatment of the nature of consciousness, self, and person. Counts towards the cognitive science or neuroscience minor.

*Depth: Humanities and Fine Arts

001 2:00PM - 3:20PM TR DALL 105 Howell


3319. Identity, Persons, and Other Objects
Persons and individuals like you and me raise a host of central philosophical questions. You are, we assume, the very same person you were three minutes ago, distinct from all the other individuals on the surface of the planet. But how is that so, and how is it even possible? Persons, just like tables, chairs, and other particular objects, seem to retain their identity through time despite the changes the go through: they persist and survive change. Does this mean each particular person (and each particular table) has a very specific essence it keeps throughout its life? What exactly constitutes a person? And what do we mean by identity anyway, in this context? And what of the powerful arguments suggesting that persons (and other objects) cease to exist whenever they go through the most trivial change, or that the existence of persons and other objects is a mere illusion? This course will consist in a systematic survey of some of the central answers to some of these and other related questions.

*Depth: Humanities and Fine Arts

001 12:30PM - 1:50PM TR HYER 200 Ehring


3321. Time, Space, and Metaphysics
Does time pass? Do the past and the future exist? Is space a thing? What are the laws of nature? This course introduces some central issues in the metaphysics of science.

*Depth: Humanities and Fine Arts
*Proficiences and Experiences: Information Literacy
*Proficiences and Experiences: Oral Communication
*Proficiences and Experiences: Writing

001 11:00AM - 12:20PM TR HYER 111 Chuard


3323. Philosophy of Psychology and Neuroscience
What sorts of explanations do cognitive psychologists and neuroscientists seek about cognitive functions and the nature of our minds? What assumptions, and what evidence, do such explanations rest upon? Counts towards the cognitive science or neuroscience minor.

*Depth: Humanities and Fine Arts
*Foundation: Ways of Knowing
*Proficiencies and Experiences: Information Literacy
*Proficiencies and Experiences: Oral Communication
*Proficiencies and Experiences: Writing

001 12:30PM - 1:50PM TR HYER 110 Matey


3352. History of Western Philosophy - Modern
Survey course in the history of modern philosophy covering the modern period, from Descartes to Hume, including Leibniz, Spinoza, Locke, and Berkeley. Examines many seminal writings in philosophy on such key issues as rationalism and empiricism, the nature of external reality and one’s knowledge of it, the existence and nature of God, the relation between mind and body, causation, induction, and the nature of morality and moral action. Satisfies one part of the history requirement for philosophy majors; may be used to satisfy the history requirement for philosophy minors. Please note: this course is not offered in the Fall term.
*Depth: Humanities and Fine Arts
*Depth: History, Social and Behavioral Sciences


001 11:00AM - 11:50AM MWF HYER 110 Hiltz

3371. Social and Political Philosophy
Explores central questions in social and political philosophy. Topics vary, but the following are representative. What forms of government are most reasonable and morally defensible? What is justice, and how might it be embodied in a system of government? Are there such things as natural rights? What is the basis for saying that we have rights to freedom of speech and religion? What would constitute a just or fair distribution of the benefits and burdens of social cooperation? Do citizens in a modern, democratic state have a moral obligation to obey its laws? When, if ever, is it legitimate for a state to go to war?

*Depth: Humanities and Fine Arts

001 9:00AM - 9:50AM MWF HYER 107 Hiltz


3372. Liberty
Investigates the topics of freedom and autonomy primarily from the standpoint of social and political philosophy. Students explore the nature of freedom and its role in a good society along with the nature of autonomy (self-governance) and its role in a good life. Also, the distinction between negative and positive liberty, the nature of coercion, the republican theory of freedom, the nature of personal autonomy, the value of freedom, and other topics.

*Depth: Humanities and Fine Arts
*Proficiences and Experiences: Information Literacy

001 3:30PM - 4:50PM TR HYER 106 Barnes


3375. Topics in Moral Philosophy: Ethics of Pleasure and Pain

A topics offering that seeks to take advantage of the wide variety of issues that can be fruitfully explored in a course in moral philosophy. May be repeated for credit. Recently offered topics include the meaning of life, neuroethics, Plato’s ethical thought, practical rationality, and procreation & parenthood.

*Depth: Humanities and Fine Arts

002 2:00PM - 3:20PM TR HYER 107 Robinson and Thompson



3376. Bioethics
An examination of ethical questions arising within medical practice, medical research, and the life sciences.

*Depth: Humanities & Fine Arts

001 3:30PM - 4:50PM TR HYER 204 Liberman


3382. The Ethics of Sport
A course on the nature and value of sport and ethical issues that arise for athletes, spectators, and others involved in the practice of sport.

001 1:00PM - 1:50PM MWF HYER 111 Kazez


2019 Courses

Fall Schedule of Classes 2019

*for a complete listing of Philosophy courses visit the official 51²è¹Ý 

1300. Introduction to Critical Thinking
Learning to analyze, evaluate, and present information in order to better assess one’s own beliefs and to persuade others more effectively.

*Breadth: Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Proficiencies and Experiences: Quantitative Reasoning

001 2:00PM - 2:50 PM MWF HYER 110 Hiltz


1301. Elementary Logic 
An introductory course in symbolic logic. Logic provides a means for determining whether the purported conclusion of an argument really does follow from the premises. In symbolic logic, mechanical procedures are developed for determining whether a given argument is valid. The techniques and skills acquired through logic have important applications not only within other academic areas such as the sciences and humanities, but may be of use within various professional areas, including law.

*Breadth: Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Proficiencies and Experiences: Quantitative Reasoning

001 9:30AM - 10:50AM TR HYER 200 Ehring
002 12:30PM- 1:50PM TR HYER 200 Lockard


1305. Introduction to Philosophy 
A general introduction to the central questions of philosophy; topics include the theory of knowledge, philosophy of religion, metaphysics, philosophy of mind, ethics and political philosophy. Typical questions might include: Can we know the world outside our minds? Is it rational to believe in a God who allows evil to exist? Do the laws of physics allow for human freedom? Is morality more than a matter of opinion? Can there be unequal wealth in a just society? Readings will include classical authors such as Plato, Descartes, Locke, Hume and Mill, as well as contemporary philosophers. The focus of the course will be on arguments for and against proposed solutions to key problems of philosophy.

*Breadth: Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics

001 3:00PM - 3:50PM MWF FOSC 158 Barnes
002 12:30PM - 1:50PM TR DALL 306 Chuard


1306. Introduction to Philosophy – Mind, Machines, and Persons
A focused introduction to the central questions of philosophy, with an emphasis on the mind and the self. Typical questions might include the following: Does the soul exist? Is the mind the same thing as the brain? Can animals feel pain? Can they think? Can a computer think? Might the mind be a computer? What is consciousness? Can people understand experiences radically different from their own? What is the self? Can one survive the death of the body? The focus of the course is on arguments for and against proposed solutions to philosophical problems concerning mind, machines, and persons.

*Breadth: Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics

001H 11:00AM - 12:20PM TR DALL 357 Fisher
002 12:30PM - 1:50PM TR FOSC 123 Thompson
003 3:30PM - 4:50PM TR HYER 111 Thompson


1316. Introduction to Ethics
An introduction to ethics, or moral philosophy, that focuses on questions in ethical theory. Examines topics such as: What makes our lives good or bad, better or worse? What makes our actions morally right or morally wrong? Is the distinction between doing harm and allowing harm a morally relevant one? Can our intentions affect the rightness/wrongness of our actions? When and why is it morally permissible for the state to punish someone for breaking the law?


*Breadth: Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics


001 2:00PM-3:20PM
TR HYER 102 Robinson


1317. Business Ethics
Examines the moral dimensions of actions and practices in the business world. Students explore ethical theories and standards of evaluation for actions and practices generally, and discuss how these theories and standards apply to a variety of issues in business.


*Breadth: Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics


001 11:00AM - 11:50AM MWF FOSC 158 Crabill
002 12:00PM - 12:50PM MWF HYER 110 Crabill
003 8:00AM - 9:20AM TR HYER 110 Daley
004 9:30AM - 10:50AM TR DALL 156 Daley


1318. Contemporary Moral Problems
An introduction to philosophical ethics focusing on questions in applied ethics. Students begin by exploring ethical theories and philosophical methods. The majority of the course is devoted to applying those theories and methods to some of the most controversial and pressing issues confronting contemporary society.


*Breadth: Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics


001 11:00AM - 11:50AM MWF FOSC 152 Hiltz
002 12:00PM - 12:50PM MWF HYER 111 Hiltz
003 2:00PM - 2:50PM MWF HYER 111 Parker-Ryan
004 3:00PM - 3:50PM MWF HYER 102 Hiltz
005 11:00AM - 12:20PM TR HYER 106 Liberman



1319. Technology, Society, and Value
Advances in technology are raising many ethical issues that require serious consideration. We will discuss issues surrounding such technologies and how they affect the views of warfare, privacy, human enhancement, and artificial intelligence.

*Breadth: Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Breadth: Technology and Mathematics

001H 9:00AM - 9:50AM MWF HYER 110 Daley
002C 9:00AM - 9:50AM MWF HYER 110 Daley
003 11:00AM - 11:50AM MWF FOSC 123 Daley
004 2:00PM - 2:50PM MWF HYER 201 Crabill
005 3:00PM - 3:50PM MWF HYER 201 Crabill
006 2:00PM - 3:20PM TR FOSC 155 Howell


3305. Philosophy and Gender
Considers whether or not there are differences between the sexes and whether or not Western science, philosophy, and ethics have been dominated by male thinking. Also, current issues such as pornography, censorship, rape, and reproductive technologies. Students examine writings by feminist philosophers and their critics.

*Breadth: Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics 
*Depth: Humanities & Fine Arts
*Proficiences & Experiences: Oral Communication

001 12:00PM - 12:50PM MWF HYER 102 Kazez


3314. Metaphysics 
Some of the most central and traditional questions in philosophy are metaphysical: Do objects really exist? What are they? And what are persons: do we persist over time, can we survive change? Are we really free, or are all our actions determined by the laws of nature? Are our minds simply reducible to our brains? Are there such things as souls? How about the properties of things - objects have sizes and shapes, we have nationalities and genders, but what are these properties exactly? Can we know anything about the ultimate structure of reality? Does it include God? Is science the only way to discover what really exists and how things really are? This course offers a systematic approach to these questions and others.

*Breadth: Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Depth: Humanities and Fine Arts
*Proficiencies and Experiences: Writing

001 12:30PM - 1:50PM TR HYER 106 Ehring


3315. Philosophy of Mind
A systematic treatment of the nature of consciousness, self, and person. Counts towards the cognitive science or neuroscience minor.

*Breadth: Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics 
*Depth: Humanities & Fine Arts

001 3:30PM - 4:50PM TR HYER 204 Fisher


3324. Consciousness: Theoretical and Empirical Approaches
How do recent empirical findings in cognitive psychology and neuroscience advance our understanding of the nature of consciousness? What philosophical issues do such findings and their explanations raise? Counts towards the cognitive science minor.

*Breadth: Philosophical and Religious Inquiry (not Ethics based)
*Depth: Humanities & Fine Arts
*Foundation: Ways of Knowing
*Proficiencies and Experiences: Information Literacy
*Proficiencies and Experiences: Oral Communication
*Proficiencies and Experiences: Writing

001 11:00AM - 12:20PM TR DALL 116 Chuard


3351. History of Western Philosophy - Ancient
 A study of the major philosophers from Thales to Plotinus, including Plato and Aristotle. Please note: this course is only offered in the Fall term.

*Breadth: Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Depth: Humanities & Fine Arts


001 10:00AM - 10:50AM MWF DALL 357 Barnes


3374. Philosophy of Law
This course explores some central and interrelated issues in philosophy of law, or jurisprudence, with a particular emphasis on the role that morality plays in our understanding of law and in the interpretation and application of the law. Here are some of the questions we will consider: When and why does the content of law - what the law is - depend on the content of morality - on what is right and wrong, just and unjust, fair and unfair, etc.? When and how does interpreting and applying laws (statutes, precedents, etc.) involve making value judgments, including moral judgments? Does the United States Constitution enact the “original understanding” of freedom of speech, due process of law, equal protection of the laws, and so on? Or does it, instead, direct us to apply our own, perhaps quite different, understandings of these concepts? (The latter view is called “the moral reading” of the Constitution.) Is there a moral obligation to obey the law? When and why is punishing those who break the law morally justified? Satisfies elective requirements in the following majors and minors: philosophy, ethics, human rights, and law and legal reasoning. 

*Breadth: Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Depth: Humanities & Fine Arts

001 11:00AM - 12:20PM TR HYER 100 Robinson


3376. Bioethics
An examination of ethical questions arising within medical practice, medical research, and the life sciences.

*Breadth: Philosophical and Religious Inquiry and Ethics
*Depth: Humanities & Fine Arts

001 9:30AM - 10:50AM TR HYER 102 Liberman