
The Department of World Languages and Literatures offers a range of Arabic language courses at the beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels, culture courses, and a minor in Arabic. 

Why Study Arabic?

Arabic is among the top five most spoken languages in the world and is one of the six official languages of the UN. Arabic is spoken by over 280 million people in an area extending from the Arabian Gulf in the east to the Atlantic Ocean in the west. Arabic is also spoken by 250 million people as a second language, and by many of the three million people of Arab origin living in the United States and Canada.

There is a shortage of Arabic speakers in the western world. In recent years, both the U.S. government and businesses in the public and private sector have shown an increased demand for Arabic speakers. You can apply your knowledge of Arabic in a number of possible career paths, including international business, journalism, education, finance and banking, translation and interpretation, consulting, foreign service, and intelligence.

The Arab-speaking world has a rich cultural and religious heritage Western knowledge of Arabic culture remains limited. Studying Arabic will give you knowledge of Arabic and Islamic traditions and a better understanding of important cultural values, such as honor, dignity, and hospitality. Studying Arabic will also give you important intercultural communication skills.


(American Councils for International Education)  (Warwick University Language Centre)