Exam Information & Schedules

Students should consider the relevant exam schedule when registering for classes. The Assistant Dean for Student Affairs may reschedule a student’s examination in the event of an emergency. Two or more examinations in close time proximity do not constitute an emergency. The use of word processing equipment during examination for a class, using specially provided software, is allowed with the professor’s consent and subject to any rules imposed by the professor in connection with the exam. Students should contact the law school Registrar for more information and carefully review the instructions given for each exam. Students must also comply with the law school’s Code of Professional Responsibility when taking examinations, as in all law school activities.

Below you will find links to exam schedules, exam PINs, information regarding exams taken on laptops, and the policy regarding the re-scheduling of exams.

Exam Schedules  (if there is a class that you do not see an exam listed for, please check the Course List for exam details.) 



Personal Identification Numbers for Final Exams

  • Login using your student ID number and password. It is mandatory that all law school students use the Personal Identification Number assigned to them on all final exams that are to be turned in to the instructor. PINs are used instead of student names, social security numbers, student ID numbers, etc. for anonymous grading. Each student will have a different PIN for exams every semester.

Laptop Exam Information (Examsoft)

Exam Re-scheduling Policy

Exam accommodations are considered on a case by case basis. If you become ill or suffer a significant personal event, such as the death of a family member requiring travel for a funeral, please contact Dean Yeager (syeager@smu.edu) immediately to discuss your situation so that an appropriate response can be determined. If you are ill and need to reschedule you will need to provide a letter from your doctor explaining the circumstances that prevent you from being able to take an exam.
  • Please note that scheduling two exams on the same day or two days in a row is not considered justification for seeking to move one of the exams. Personal travel for non-emergency reasons is also generally not a justification for allowing a change in exam time.
  • Missed exams should be taken as soon as reasonably possible after the original date. Except in extraordinary circumstances, they must be taken before the end of exams for the semester in which an exam was missed. If more than one exam is missed, ordinarily exams must be taken in the order in which they were originally scheduled.