Air Pollution and its Consequences on Human Health

Atención: Puede ver la versión en español de esta página aquí.

Grade Level: 6-8

Time Required: 45 minutes

In this module, students will learn about air, its components, pollution, and its effects on human health.

Firstly, the characteristics of the air, its importance for life on earth, and its biogeochemical cycle will be presented. Next, an activity will be carried out where the students will verify that air is a substance even though we cannot see it. Then, the teacher will present some air pollutants and their effects on the environment (such as acid rain) and human health, including respiratory and non-respiratory effects. Finally, the class will conclude with a very dynamic activity where students will be able to experience what it feels like to have respiratory diseases such as asthma.

Below you will find a learning plan that includes objectives, background, and reference material so teachers can guide the students. Also included is a presentation that summarizes the main points of the learning plan and the activity guide for students to put what they have learned into practice.

Keywords: air, air pollution, environment, health, respiratory disease