Healthy Eating and Nutrition

Atención: Puede ver la versión en español de esta página aquí.

Grade Level: 6-8

Time Required: 45 minutes

In this module, students will learn about the importance of healthy eating and nutrition and its good practices. To do this, the teacher will present the learning plan's content through the presentation included in this module.

Firstly, it will explain what healthy eating consists of and the nutritional needs of the body, function, and requirements of the organism. Then, the factors that affect nutritional status and food-related diseases will be explained. The concepts of healthy, safe, contaminated, altered, and adulterated food and the microorganisms that alter food, their potential effects on health, and measures to prevent food poisoning will be defined. Finally, the main causes of family food insecurity will be shown. The class will conclude with an activity where students prepare a super nutritious meal.

Below you will find a learning plan that includes objectives, background, and reference material so teachers can guide the students. Also included is a presentation that summarizes the main points of the learning plan and the activity guide for students to put what they have learned into practice.

Keywords: disease, family food security, food poisoning, healthy eating, nutrition, prevention, recipe