Watersheds and Contamination

Atención: Puede ver la versión en español de esta página aquí.

Grade Level: 7-9

Time Required: 60 minutes (2 parts)

In this two part activity, students explore water quality and watersheds.

Students learn how to define water quality and the many ways it can be evaluated. Students are tasked with evaluating water samples independently through many parameters to develop a final impression. Educators can choose from many water quality parameters that students will use to evaluate water quality depending on the time, materials, and local bodies of water available.

Students also learn about watersheds and explore the movement of water and pollution through them. Discussion and exploration of their local watershed encourages students to consider where pollution could be traveling through their community. This part of the activity utilizes 3D models or water tables, but topography maps and writing utensils could serve as substitutes.

Below you will find a lesson plan that contains all information for educators accompanied by student handouts and reference materials. The pH meters used to develop this program are also linked below.

pH Meters Used: