Eastern Star Training Awards For Religious Leadership (ESTARL) - Kansas


In order to merit this award the following qualifications are required:

1. (1) He or she must be a legal resident of Kansas, (2) Upper classmen in college or in seminary, (3) Sponsored by an O.E.S. Chapter, (4) Definite promise of one year service.

2. A complete application form must be submitted with letters of recommendations, one of which must be from the Secretary of the sponsoring Chapter, transcript of grades and a small photo. Same procedure is to be followed for renewals.  Applications for the ESTARL Awards shall be submitted no later than June 15.






The Grand Chapter of Kansas, Order of the Eastern Star is happy to be able to offer the following ESTARL awards.  Applications and more information is available by contacting:

Grand Chapter of Kansas, O.E.S.
ESTARL Committee
c/o Executive Secretary
320 Southwest Eighth Avenue  Fl 2
Topeka, Kansas  66603-3912
Phone: (785) 234-5743 or 855-637-5742

More Information