World Labyrinth Day Set for May 2

The 7th Annual World Labyrinth Day will be held on Saturday, May 2, and members of the Perkins and extended community are invited to walk the Ruben L. F. Habito Labyrinth at Perkins School of Theology, located between the Elizabeth Perkins Prothro Hall and Selecman Hall.   

The Labyrinth Society, a sponsoring organization, encourages pilgrims—those who walk the labyrinth—to participate in the peace-focused “Walk as One at 1.”  At 1 p.m. (local time), pilgrims from around the world will walk in both organized and private events. There is no formal event at Perkins, but the labyrinth will be open to all who desire to walk or participate in the “Walk as One at 1” event on World Labyrinth Day.

Explore the Habito Labyrinth at Perkins School of Theology:  /Perkins/About/Labyrinth

Read the guide for walking/praying the labyrinth:

Learn more about World Labyrinth Day: