EPC Membership


To advise the Provost on matters involving curricular change, program initiation, program discontinuance, and attendant issues. In addition, the committee will assure that appropriate notification, approvals, licensures, etc., are in place before programs begin operation. The Educational Programs Committee (EPC) serves as a University-wide curriculum committee. It is advisory to the Provost, and reports to the Provost.

Committee Members

Committee Composition

  • Chair, Associate Provost for Institutional Planning and Effectiveness (ex officio)
  • Faculty appointed by the Associate Provost for Faculty and Administrative Affairs in consultation with Deans of the schools they represent; one faculty representation from each and two from Dedman College (8)
  • Associate Dean of Admission (ex officio)
  • Associate Provost for Graduate Education, Dean of Graduate and Advanced Studies (ex officio)
  • Bursar's Office representative (ex officio)
  • Deputy Director of Central University Libraries (ex officio)
  • Director of University Decision Support (ex officio)
  • University Registrar (ex officio)
  • Chair of Academic Policies Committee (ex officio)