Student Petitions

The University Curriculum (UC) requirements are for students who matriculated into 51²è¹Ý between Fall 2016 and Spring 2020.

Use the UC student forms and petitions below.

  • Use the Advance Approval of Transfer Work (US) form when you plan to take classes at another university and transfer them back to 51²è¹Ý. After your first term of enrollment at 51²è¹Ý, only courses from four-year universities will transfer back to 51²è¹Ý for credit hours. All courses will need pre-approval by the 51²è¹Ý department offering equivalent/similar classes. You may also request for the UC office to approve your chosen class to satisfy Breadth, Depth, and Pillar requirements.

  • Use the when you plan to take classes at a university outside of the U.S. and transfer them back to 51²è¹Ý. After your first term of enrollment at 51²è¹Ý, only courses from four-year universities will transfer back to 51²è¹Ý for credit hours. All courses will need pre-approval by the 51²è¹Ý department offering equivalent/similar classes.
  • Use the when you plan to take classes at a university outside of the U.S.and transfer them back to 51²è¹Ý. After your first term of enrollment at 51²è¹Ý, only courses from four-year universities will transfer back to 51²è¹Ý for credit hours. All courses will need pre-approval by the 51²è¹Ý department offering equivalent/similar classes.
  • NOTE: Do not use this form for courses offered through 51²è¹Ý Abroad. See the Undergraduate Request for Approval to Attend a Non-51²è¹Ý Affiliated Study Abroad Program or a Non-US Institution in the Registrar's Forms Library.

  • Use the Second Language Advance Approval form to when you plan to take classes at another university and transfer them back to 51²è¹Ý to satisfy the Second Language requirement.

Submitting your request:

  • Read the instructions on the form carefully and fill out ALL of the required information.
  • Contact the other institution to obtain a description (and syllabus, if possible) for the course you plan to take.
  • The more information you provide, the more likely the course is to be approved for transfer credit. If requesting a UC requirement, your completed form will need to be reviewed by the following offices in this order:
    • Your current assigned academic advisor (listed on your Student Center in my.51²è¹Ý)
    • The department that offers the equivalent/similar 51²è¹Ý course
    • The Academic Records Office for the school that offers the equivalent/similar 51²è¹Ý course
    • The Academic Records Office for your current school or major
    • The University Curriculum Office in 102 Laura Lee Blanton Building

  • Use the  if you believe that work you completed in an 51²è¹Ý or transfer course (not already tagged for the requested requirement) qualifies to satisfy a specific UC Proficiency. You must have successfully completed an 51²è¹Ý course that met the Basic Course Criteria and gave you the opportunity to develop and demonstrate each of the Student Learning Outcomes for the requested UC proficiency.


  • Use this  if you believe that an activity you participated in outside of class should to satisfy one of the following:

    • Community Engagement
    • Global Engagement
    • Human Diversity
    • Information Literacy
    • Oral Communication
    • Quantitative Reasoning
    • Writing
  • You must demonstrate each of the Student Learning Outcomes for the requested UC Proficiency.
  • Verify that you meet all of the criteria stipulated with the Basic Course Criteria.

  • The Undergraduate Petition for Reevaluation of Transfer Work is used to request that transfer coursework be reconsidered as either a generic course designation (ex. HUM 10XX) or a specific 51²è¹Ý course equivalent. You may also use this petition to request that a course which was given an XX, YY, etc., designation satisfy a specific UC requirement.

  • - Click this link to request a re-evaluation of transfer credit towards University Curriculum Foundation/Breadths/Depths requirements or free-elective credit. 

  • - Click this link to request a re-evaluation of transfer credit towards University Curriculum major or minor requirements.

Submitting your request:

  • Read the instructions on the form carefully and fill out ALL of the requested information.
  • Consult with your academic adviser to determine whether Option 1 or Option 2 better fits your needs.
  • Collect and attach all information you have for the course that may support your request: course description, syllabus, assignments, etc.
  • Submit your completed request form and all supporting materials to the appropriate office designated on the form.
  • NOTE: Do not use this form for courses offered through 51²è¹Ý Abroad. See the Undergraduate Request for Approval to Attend a Non-51²è¹Ý Affiliated Study Abroad Program or a Non-US Institution in the Registrar's Forms Library.

The  is used to request that Common Curriculum Breadth requirements be used to satisfy University Curriculum Breadth requirements. Once a student chooses to have CC credit they in turn will forfeit any UC Foundation, Breadth, and Depth credit it currently carries.


  • Courses offered through 51²è¹Ý Abroad (both summer and semester-long programs) are considered 51²è¹Ý courses, and most have already been assigned 51²è¹Ý course numbers. Please note that new abroad courses must be assigned an 51²è¹Ý course number. Contact the 51²è¹Ý Abroad Office for details.
  • If you take an 51²è¹Ý course that has been pre-approved for UC Foundation and/or Pillar requirements Abroad, these pre-approved Foundation and Pillar requirements will automatically populate on your DPR when 51²è¹Ý Abroad registers you for the course.
  • 51²è¹Ý Abroad courses taught by 51²è¹Ý faculty are not eligible to be considered for additional Foundation/Breadth/Depth/Pillar requirements.
  • 51²è¹Ý Abroad courses taught through 51²è¹Ý provider programs can be considered for additional Foundation/Breadth/Depth/Pillar requirements. You can make this request either BEFORE or AFTER you take the course. The forms through which you make this request are available ONLY through the 51²è¹Ý Abroad Office and not from either your academic advisor or the UC/GEC Office.
  • Most 51²è¹Ý Abroad courses are not “tagged” with UC Proficiencies & Experiences, even when their Dallas-campus counterparts are. You can request that your 51²è¹Ý Abroad courses satisfy UC proficiencies and experiences by using the form described in the Course-Based Proficiency Request tab.
  • NOTE: Do not use this form for courses offered through 51²è¹Ý Abroad. See the Undergraduate Request for Approval to Attend a Non-51²è¹Ý Affiliated Study Abroad Program or a Non-US Institution in the Registrar's Forms Library.
  • NOTE: Do not use this form for courses that are offered outside the US or are not part of the 51²è¹Ý Abroad program. See the Undergraduate Course Petition for Approval of Transfer Work Taken Abroad on a Non-51²è¹Ý Affiliated Program or Non-US Institution in the Registrar's Forms Library.

  • This form is no longer used. Ask your advisor what form to use.
  • If you and your advisor are not sure which form to use, email


  • UC 2016 Proposal Form
  • This form is for faculty who wish to submit a course proposal for the University Curriculum.
  • Completed proposals and proposal-related questions should be directed to