Bilingual Area of Interest Courses
EDU 6312/ANTH 6311. Applied Linguistics
This course provides an introduction to basic concepts in linguistics and their application in meeting practical educational goals. It includes an emphasis on first and second language learning.
EDU 6319. Fundamentals of Bilingual Education
This course offers an examination of the history and implementation of various bilingual education program models. Particular attention is given to research of bilingual program models and issues related to recruitment, training, and retention of bilingual education teachers.
EDU 6321. Bilingualism/Biliteracy
This course provides an exploration of the theoretical foundations, methods, and materials for literacy instruction in bilingual instructional settings. Special emphasis is placed on language and literacy for students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
EDU 6339. Bilingual Content and Instruction
This course is designed for students who will be teaching in bilingual education classrooms or administering bilingual education programs. Class participants will review current research in reading in the content areas and will strengthen their knowledge in critical content vocabulary and mechanics of spelling and writing in Spanish. Much of class lecture and discussion will take place in Spanish and knowledge of Spanish is required.