Education Policy and Leadership faculty are often sought after for their deep knowledge and expertise in their fields. Their published works and valuable perspectives are used as relevant and reliable sources of information. Explore the widespread media presence of our impressive faculty. 

Dr. Watt Lesley Black, Jr. Discusses Inscribed Reprimand of Granbury ISD Administrator 

An assistant superintendent in Granbury ISD accessed district resources, specifically an airplane, for personal use. TEA responded by issuing a severe form of punishment—an inscribed reprimand. Educational ethics and law expert, Dr. Black, discusses the intensity of an inscribed reprimand and how it applies to this incident.

Dr. Sondra Barringer smiles at the camera in her headshot.

Dr. Sondra Barringer Quoted by Two Major News Outlets

Articles: The Chronicle of Higher Education's "Ohio State President Leaves Big Plans Unfinished as She Steps Down" and The Texas Tribune's "Two-thirds of board members overseeing Texas public universities are Abbott donors. They're not shy about wielding influence."

Dr. Sondra Barringer shares her expertise on university president and boards of trustees in state-wide and national news media. 

Dr. Michael Harris Discusses the Future of Tenure on Capital Tonight

News Segment: "Capital Tonight" on Spectrum 1

Tenure expert Dr. Michael Harris was invited back to "Capital Tonight" to elaborate on the future of tenure. He warns of the dangers of removing faculty tenure opportunities, acknowledges legal language that could preserve the integrity of tenure, addresses misconceptions, and highlights what tenure is and is not.

More In The News

  • Dr. Watt Lesley Black, Jr. Addresses School Threat Assessments on Channel 8 News

    Dr. Black acknowledges the increase in school threats over the course of his career. He supports Collin County Sheriff Jim Skinner's proposed solution but emphasizes the reality that there is not just one solution to this problem.

  • Dr. Dominique Baker smiles in the Annette Caldwell Simmons Hall Reading Room.

    Dr. Dominique Baker Wins AERA 2023 Early Career Award

    According to AERA, this honorable award is presented to "an individual in the early stages of their career no later than 10 years after receipt of the doctoral degree...for study in any field of educational inquiry." We are thrilled to celebrate Dr. Baker's well-deserved receipt of this award.

  • Work Appropriate Podcast Logo

    Dr. Dominique Baker Talks Academia on Work Appropriate Podcast

    Episode: "My Industry is Failing: Academia Edition"

    Dr. Baker joins the Work Appropriate podcast to share personal experiences and highlight the ways in which academia can fall short. She addresses grappling with responsibility, expanding positive influence beyond the workplace, honoring one's personal and professional goals, workplace boundaries and productivity, and what makes her hopeful for the future of academia.

  • Dr. Michael Harris smiles at the camera in his headshot.

    Dr. Michael Harris Talks Tenure on Spectrum News 1

    Dr. Harris explains tenure basics and debunks misconceptions about the impunity of tenured faculty. He examines newly introduced laws that would interrupt and damage the tenure process, in turn damaging entire educational institutions.

  • Dr. Dominique Baker smiles in the Annette Caldwell Simmons Hall Reading Room.

    NPR Quotes Dr. Dominique Baker on Student Loan Forbearance

    Dr. Baker reveals how forbearance can lead to a "balloon" effect for those who elect forbearance on their student loans. This is the second time Dr. Baker has shared her expertise and been quoted by NPR on the topic of student loans.