Tryout Information

Tryouts for Spring 2025 teams will be held November 16, 2024 (tentatively). More information coming soon.

Frequently Asked Questions

Tryouts for Spring 2025 teams will be held, tentatively, on November 16, 2024.

Tryouts for fall teams are generally every April. 

Occasionally, tryouts for other teams may be held throughout the year to accommodate invitations to competitions outside the usual timeframe. 

Each off-campus team has a designated coach, or Adjunct Professor of Advocacy. Some teams even have two or three coaches to support your skill development! Coaches and competitions will be announced prior to tryouts each semester.

Unless otherwise indicated, tryouts for all off-campus teams must be conducted in person.

Opportunities vary every semester. The number of open spots depends on the number of students returning to a team and the number of competitions to which we have been invited.

Yes! But returning to a competition is not guaranteed and you must have written confirmation from your coach that you will be returning. Coaches will be provided clear instructions on this process prior to tryouts so you know whether you are able to return or must tryout for another team. You are always welcome to tryout for a new opportunity. 

The follow procedures apply for the 2024-2025 school year:

Students will receive team and coach information prior to tryouts. Additionally, the morning of tryouts, students will have the opportunity to mingle with coaches and learn more about their teams.

Tryouts are performed individually, in front of all coaches for each advocacy type. For example, if you are interested in mock trial, you will do one tryout in front of all mock trial coaches.

Subsequently, both students and coaches will rank their preferences: Students rank the coaches they hope to work with, and coaches rank the students based team fit. Some teams are better suited for beginners while others are best suited for experienced advocates. After all students have completed their tryout, the Director of Advocacy Programs will match students with teams (it works just like match day for medical school residency programs).