Tenured Faculty Development

Policy number: 2.12

Policy section: Academic Affairs

Revised Date: December 16, 2019

1.  Policy Statement

It is the policy of the University to provide guidance for continuing and meaningful faculty development, to assist faculty in enhancing their professional skills and achieving their professional goals, to refocus academic and professional efforts when appropriate, and to assure that faculty members are meeting their responsibilities to the University.

2.  Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to establish the University’s internal process for evaluating and supporting tenured faculty development.

3.  Individual Development Plan

  1. When submitting an annual report on professional activities, every tenured faculty member will in addition submit a multi-year development plan outlining both short- and long-term goals for teaching, scholarship, and service, and listing resources needed to accomplish these goals. In the case of tenured associate professors, this development plan should include an outline of steps to be taken toward promotion to full professor unless a development plan with other emphases is appropriate.
  2. A reasonable time-frame for attaining the goals outlined in the development plan should be established by the individual faculty member in relation to guidelines developed by each school as appropriate to the nature of teaching, scholarship, and service carried out by the faculty in that school.
  3. Annually the faculty member should evaluate progress toward achieving the goals of the plan and identify any additional developmental needs to facilitate success. The faculty member should also include any revisions to the goals outlined in the plan. As projects are completed or new directions materialize, the faculty member may choose to prepare a new multi-year development plan.
  4. The faculty member should discuss the development plan with the head of the unit at the annual evaluative conference and the head of the unit should make every effort to procure the resources reasonably necessary to help the faculty member achieve the goals outlined in the plan. In the event that such resources are not made available, the head of the unit will explain in writing the reasons for their unavailability.

4.  University Financial Support

Through the Provost’s Office, the University will make resources available to meet the developmental goals of tenured faculty.

5.  Committee Review of Individual Development Plan

  1. If a faculty member believes that the head of the unit is actively or persistently unsupportive of the goals outlined in a development plan, the faculty member may request an elected, school-wide faculty committee to review the matter and to suggest a resolution.
  2. The structure, composition, and modus operandi of the school-wide faculty committee should be determined by the faculty of the school. (For example, a school-wide faculty grievance committee or a school-wide tenure and promotion committee could serve in this capacity, as long as it is an elected committee).

6.  Peer Review of Individual Development

  1. In the event that after a series of annual developmental reviews it appears that a faculty member is not engaged in his or her discipline and in the life of the University, a peer review may be appropriate.
  2. The procedures for such a review should be established by the faculty of each school with the endorsement of the Dean and Provost. All proceedings of this review shall be confidential pursuant to University policy.
  3. The findings of the peer review must be made available to the individual faculty member. These findings should include suggestions and development guidance that will help the faculty member to become re-energized and re-engaged.

7.  Developmental Program Assessment

The program for faculty development established by this policy shall be formally reviewed by the faculty five years after its inauguration to determine its effectiveness in supporting faculty development.

8.  Questions

Questions regarding this policy should be directed to the Office of the Provost.

Revised: December 16, 2019

Adopted: June 15, 1998

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