Tuition Benefits

Policy number: 7.11

Policy section: Human Resources

Revised Date: January 2, 2019

1. Policy Statement

It is the policy of the University to provide Tuition Benefits to eligible faculty and staff employees, their spouses, and their eligible children.

2. Purpose

The purpose of the Tuition Benefits program is to encourage and enable the pursuit of higher education opportunities and professional development.

3. Applicability

This policy applies to benefits-eligible, full-time faculty and staff, and to the spouse and/or dependent children of benefits-eligible, full-time faculty and staff.

4. Department Administrative Rules, Procedures and Guidelines

The Department of Human Resources, under the purview of the Vice President for Business and Finance, has oversight and administrative responsibility for this policy and shall promulgate departmental rules, procedures, and guidelines pursuant to this policy.

  1. The Office of Financial Aid is responsible for awarding and assuring compliance with provisions of this policy concerning maximum awards or coordination of this benefit with other University-funded aid programs.
  2. Detailed eligibility criteria, administrative rules, procedures and guidelines can be found on the Human Resources website.
  3. Tuition Benefits may be revised or terminated at the end of any semester. Under no circumstances do they constitute a continuing obligation on the part of the University.

5. Questions

Questions regarding this policy should be directed to the Department of Human Resources at

Revised: January 2, 2019

Adopted: July 1, 2014

The official University Policy Manual is housed in the Office of the University Secretary. The University Secretary is responsible for maintaining new and updated policies and for maintaining this website. Should the official University Policy Manual conflict with any internal policies, procedures, departmental administrative rules, or guidelines, that may be contained in manuals provided by schools, departments, or divisions within the University, the official University Policy Manual controls.