
Prospective 51²è¹Ý Students:

Open to qualified students of all majors, the University Honors Program invites up to 185 first-year students to join the program each year.

No separate application is required.  Students who apply to 51²è¹Ý are automatically reviewed for the UHP.  Members are reviewed on the basis of academic merit reflected in their standardized test scores, unweighted high school GPA, and rigor of high school curriculum.  Generally, students in the top 10% of the entering first year class will receive an invitation to participate in the University Honors Program.

Invitations are mailed to selected students soon after they have been notified of their admission to 51²è¹Ý.  The invitation includes an informative brochure as well as instructions for accepting membership in the program by submitting a non-binding academic contract to secure a spot in the UHP until the University deadline for paid deposits.

Students accepted into or interested in the UHP are encouraged to attend a Destination 51²è¹Ý session. During Destination 51²è¹Ý, students can meet with Honors faculty and even attend a UHP class. Contact Dr. Doyle ( or Dr. Brandon Miller ( for more information about visiting the UHP on campus.

Admitted UHP Students:

Congratulations on admission to the University Honors Program! Included with your acceptance letter is instructions for completing a non-binding academic contract. This contract secures your place in the UHP until you pay your deposit to attend 51²è¹Ý.

During your first semester, you will take WRTR 2305. See our Academics page for more information about the sequence of UHP courses.  

When registering for housing, be sure to indicate whether or not you would prefer an Honors roommate. RLSH cannot guarantee the availability of an Honors roommate, but the request will be taken into consideration.

Current 51²è¹Ý Students:

Current students who have been enrolled at 51²è¹Ý for at least one semester and have a GPA of at least 3.5 or higher .   As the majority of Honors classes are in the Common Curriculum, continuing students should apply before the beginning of their second year.

Interested students should attend one of the UHP information sessions to learn more about the Honors curriculum requirements and the application process.

Accepted into the UHP?

  • Complete the non-binding UHP contract (instructions found in admission letter)
  • Pay your 51²è¹Ý deposit by the deadline
  • Request an Honors roommate
  • Register for classes
  • Complete 51²è¹Ý Orientation
  • Attend UHP Welcome Ceremony