Course Descriptions
EPL 6375 Leading with Values. This course enables candidates to examine and develop their identity as a leader and how their decisions and actions impact values-driven behavior, organizational resilience, adaptability, and achievement based culture.
EPL 6355 School Culture and Student Support. The course will assist students in understanding and applying proactive strategies that build an inclusive, equitable campus culture to promote students’ well being and student learning. Students will understand the relationship between a strong, positive culture and highly effective classroom instruction that fosters student social-emotional growth and academic learning.
EPL 6391 Collaborative Leadership. This course is an applied and practice oriented course that is grounded in academic research. It examines key concepts around school-community-relations for school leaders. Students will be challenged to consider how mutually beneficial connections with families and communities can be furthered in diverse educational settings.
EPL 6354 Leading Organizational Change. This course focuses on the practical frameworks and strategies for change that leaders use to make their organizations more successful. Topics include organizational theory, effective change practices, and potential barriers to change.
EPL 6367 Instructional Leadership: (Literacy.) This course focuses on practical frameworks and strategies impacting classroom instruction. Topics include setting curricular priorities, implementing research-based instructional practices, and using data and assessment tools to improve instruction and student learning.
EPL 6246 Instructional Leadership: (STEM.) This course addresses trends and issues impacting instructional programs in mathematics and science. Information incorporated in the topical discussions will also address program development, evaluation, compliance issues, and implications for budget, facilities, and staffing.
EPL 6350 Developing Human Capital. This course will focus on the recruitment, selection,coaching, development, supervision, and retention of effective teachers and other employees. Topics will include recruitment strategies, hiring and induction practices, professional development models, building personal and employee capacity through coaching, and the effective and ethical management of personnel.
EPL 6340 Legal and Ethical Aspects of Leadership. This course focuses on the legal and policy issues critical to effective school leadership. Students will explore the constitutional and statutory rights of key stakeholders and develop strategies to make legally and ethically defensible decisions. Topics include equity and access, compliance, ethics, and the development, communication and implementation of effective policy.
EPL 6193 Capstone Experience. Upon completion of a year-long campus improvement initiative, students compose a final capstone paper in which they synthesize the project portfolio components, analyze final data, and make recommendations for future consideration. Although this class occurs during the summer term of the second year, the capstone paper is the culmination of a school improvement project completed throughout the year.
EPL 6243 Field Studies 1. Field Studies courses include internship activities directly aligned to the course work in each module of the program. Field Studies projects will be part of a summative portfolio assessment.
EPL 6247 Field Studies 2. Field Studies courses include internship activities directly aligned to the course work in each module of the program. Field Studies projects will be part of a summative portfolio assessment.
EPL 6251 Field Studies 3. Field Studies courses include internship activities directly aligned to the course work in each module of the program. Field Studies projects will be part of a summative portfolio assessment.