Working at the Speed of Trust

To the untrained eye, trust is hidden.  Attendance in this workshop will help individuals can learn to “see” trust and its measurable impact, which allows them to build credibility, strengthen relationships, and work collaboratively to deliver essential results.

When trust is low, people become suspicious, guard communication, speculate, and disengage. As a result, productivity grinds to a crawl, and the costs—whether social, emotional, or financial—increase. .

When trust is high, people become confident and communication, creativity, and engagement improve. As a result, productivity speeds up and costs decrease.

Working at the Speed of Trust helps individual contributors strengthen their trust signals in every relationship to shift behavior and propel themselves and their team further, faster.

Date: Thursday, March 21, 2024

Time: 9:00am - 5:00 pm

Facilitated by:  Mary Stall, Organizational Effectiveness

Location: HR Training Room: Expressway Tower #208

This workshop is a pre-requisite to "Leading at the Speed of Trust" for managers.

Parking: Please note that construction has begun on the new aquatics center to the east of Expressway Tower and which was previously a AUP parking lot  This space is no longer available for parking. Visitors to Expressway Tower must now park in the AUP lots W1, W2, W3 to the north of Expressway Tower as designated on this map:  /-/media/Site/BusinessFinance/Campus-Services/ParkingAndCardServices/Campus-Parking-Map-2021-22.pdf?la=en

Note:  Those who park in the visitor parking spaces at Expressway Tower may be ticketed.