Faculty Research Areas

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Department Faculty Areas of Expertise
A headshot of Kathleen Smits, Lyle School of Engineering.
Kathleen Smits
Department Chair
Solomon Professor for Global Development
  • Environmental
    • Smart and Resilient Infrastructure
    • Global and Sustainable Development
    • Hunt Institute
A headshot of Khaled Abdelghany, Lyle School of Engineering.

Khaled Abdelghany

  • Transportation
    • Smart and Resilient Infrastructure
    • Hunt Institute
A headshot of John Easton, Lyle School of Engineering.

John Easton

  • Environmental
    • Engineering Education
    • Smart and Resilient Infrastructure
A headshot of Usama El-Shamy, Lyle School of Engineering.
Usama El-Shamy
Associate Professor
  • Geotechnical
    • Engineering Education
A headshot of Nicos Makris, Lyle School of Engineering.
Nicos Makris

  • Structural
A headshot of Barbara Minsker, Lyle School of Engineering.
Barbara Minsker
  • Environmental
    • Smart and Resilient Infrastructure
    • Global and Sustainable Development
    • Hunt Institute
A headshot of Andrew Quicksall, Lyle School of Engineering.
Andrew Quicksall
Associate Professor
  • Environmental
    • Environmental Health and Compliance
    • Global and Sustainable Development
    • Hunt Institute
    • Caruth Institute
A headshot of Janille Smith-Colin, Lyle School of Engineering.
Janille Smith-Colin
Assistant Professor
  • Transportation
    • Smart and Resilient Infrastructure
    • Caruth Institute
A headshot of Brett Story, Lyle School of Engineering.
Brett Story
Associate Professor
  • Structural
    • Engineering Education
    • Smart and Resilient Infrastructure
    • Global and Sustainable Development
    • Hunt Institute
    • Caruth Institute
A headshot of Jessie Marshall Zarazaga, Lyle School of Engineering.
Jessie Marshall Zarazaga
Clinical Associate Professor


    • Engineering Education
    • Global and Sustainable Development
    • Hunt Institute
Moghimi Headshot
Reza Moghimi
Clinical Assistant Professor


    • Structural Engineering
    •  Earthquake Engineering