Graphical Applications with VNC (Windows)

Graphical applications in Linux are based on X windows.    VNC is an alternative to X11 forwarding and X11 emulation.

This tutorial will guide you through setting up a VNC (Virtual Network Client) session and connecting to it from a Windows computer.

This guide uses Putty, an ssh client for windows (tutorial here), and UltraVNC viewer (available ).

  1. Launch putty.exe and login to a server.
  2. Type vncserver to start the VNC Server on the host

    • The first time starting vncserver, you'll be asked to setup the password that will be used to connect to vncserver.   Note: this password is for vncserver only and does not relate to any other password you may have.

    • vncserver setup

    • Take note of the number in the phrase "New ...  desktop is"   That number will vary!
  1. Setup tunnel to route traffic between vncserver and vnc viewer
    • Right-click on the PuTTY title bar and select Change Settings...

    • PuTTY Change Settings

    • Select Connection/SSH/Tunnels
    • Add 5900 to the display number (from step 2). and enter Source port (in this example: 5900 + 9 = 5909)
    • Type localhost:5909 into Destination (use the same number as Source port after localhost: )
    • Select Add

    • PuTTY add Tunnels

    • Select Apply

    • putty tunnel select apply
  1. Launch UltraVNC Viewer
    • Type in the Destination as configured in PuTTY (localhost:5909) then click Connect

    • UltraVNC connect

    • Type in the password created when running vncserver then click Log On

    • VNC password
  1. Configure desktop and launch application
    • Probably want to change the theme for icons to appear correctly.   win95 work well.
    • Select IceWM -> Settings -> Theme -> win95

    • VNC Desktop

    • Terminate or minimize firefox, then launch application in xterm.launch application in xterm

    • launch application in xterm
  1. When finished, close UltraVNC Viewer and terminate vncviewer
    • Type vncserver -kill :9 in putty terminal window.  (change the display number to number from step 2)

    • Kill vncserver