Available Software

Below is a selected list of software available on genuse linux servers. Many others not listed are also available.

Mathematical/Engineering Tools
  • ANSYS Mechanical :  Structural Simulation
    • Usage: ansys or runwb2
    • URL: 
  • FLUENT Flow Modeling Software : Computational Fluid Dynamics, or CFD, is the use of mathematical techniques to model fluid flow.
    • Usage: fluent
    • URL:
  • COMSOL: multiphysics software
    • Usage: comsol
    • URL:
  • Synopsys : Synopsys design tools
    • Usage: Refer to the URL link
    • URL: /
  • matlab : A tool for doing numerical computations with matrices and vectors.
    • Usage: matlab
    • URL: 
  • Mathematica: System for modern technical computing
    • Usage: mathematica
    • URL: 
  • AMPL: algebraic modeling system
    • Usage: ampl
    • URL: 
  • gams - General Algebraic Modeling System : GAMS is a modeling system for mathematical optimization problems, both linear, non-linear and mixed-integer.
    • Usage: gams
    • URL: 
  • cplex : Mathematical Programming Optimizers
    • Usage: cplex
    • URL: 
  • PYTHON: A programming language
    • Usage: python3
    • URL:
  • R : A language for data analysis and graphics
    • Usage: R [options] [< infile] [> outfile] // R CMD command [arguments]
    • URL: 
  • GCC : GNU C compiler
    • Usage: gcc
    • URL: 
  • G++ : GNU C++ compiler
    • Usage: g++
    • URL: 
  • GFORTRAN : Gnu Fortran compiler
    • Usage: gfortran
    • URL: l
  • GDB: The GNU Project Debugger  
    • Usage: gdb
    • URL: 
  • DDD - Data Display Debugger : GNU DDD is a graphical front-end for command-line debuggers such as GDB
    • Usage: ddd
    • URL: 
  • GNU Common Lisp : An implementation of Common Lisp
    • Usage: gcl
    • URL: 
  • eclipse : An open source IDE
    • Usage: eclipse
    • URL: 


  • Vi : Traditional Unix text editor (implemented by vim)                 
    • Usage: vi [filename] (eg: vi test.c)
    • URL: 
  • Vim : Vim is an advanced text editor that seeks to provide the power of the de-facto Unix editor 'Vi', with a more complete feature set.
    • Usage: vim [filename] (eg: vim test.c)
    • URL: 
  • Emacs : Emacs is the extensible, customizable, self-documenting real-time display editor.
    • Usage: emacs [filename] (eg: emacs test.c)
    • URL: 
  • Xemacs : XEmacs is a highly customizable open source text editor and application development system.
    • Usage: xemacs [filename] (eg: xemacs test.c)
    • URL: 
  • Pico : A screen-based text editor.
    • Usage: pico [filename] (eg: pico test.c)
    • URL: 
  • Nano : An improved pico editor
    • Usage: nano [filename] (eg: nano test.c)
    • URL:  
Formatters/Spelling tools
  • TeX : A text formatting and typesetting program.
    • Usage: tex
    • URL: 
  • LaTeX : A document preparation system 
    • Usage: latex
    • URL: 
  • GNU Troff (Groff) : A typesetting package which reads plain text mixed with formatting commands and produces formatted output.
    • Usage: groff
    • URL: 
  • ispell : Interactive spell checker. Ispell is a program that helps you to correct spelling and typographical errors in a file.
    • Usage: ispell
    • URL: 


Text Previewers

  • Ghostview : Ghostview is an X11 user interface for Ghostscript, allowing you to view and navigate PostScript files.
    • Usage: gv
    • URL: 
  • Ghostscript : Ghostscript is a software package that interprets Adobe's PostScript and PDF languages, including a few additional features.
    • Usage: gs
    • URL: 
  • xdvi : xdvi is a program to display TeX .dvi files under the X Window System.
    • Usage: xvdi
    • URL: 
  • view : View a document using the Vi commands
    • Usage: view [filename]
  • more : Displays text one screen at a time.
    • Usage: more [filename]
    • URL: 
  • less : Improved more
    • Usage: less [filename]
    • URL: 
  • xpdf : display a PDF file in an X window
    • Usage: xpdf filename
    • URL: 

Miscellaneous Utilities

  • bc : An arbitrary precision calculator language
    • Usage: bc [ -lws ] [ file ... ]
  • xcalc : Scientific calculator for X
    • Usage: xcalc
  • xfig : Facility for Interactive Generation of figures under X11
    • Usage: xfig
    • URL: 
  • Gnuplot : Gnuplot is a portable command-line driven interactive data and function plotting utility
    • Usage: gnuplot
    • URL: 
  • man : Manual page viewer
    • Usage: man [command]
  • display : displays an image 
    • Usage:display filename
    • URL: 

Compression and Archiving Utilities
  • zip : A file compression utility for for .zip
    • Usage: zip [-options] [-b path] [-t mmddyyyy] [-n suffixes] [zipfile list] [-xi list]
  • unzip : A file expansion utility for .zip
    • Usage: unzip [-Z] [-opts[modifiers]] file[.zip] [list] [-x xlist] [-d exdir]
  • gzip : A file compression utility for .gz
    • Usage: gzip [-cdfhlLnNrtvV19] [-S suffix] [file ...]
  • gunzip : A file expansion utility for .gz
    • Usage: gunzip [-cdfhlLnNrtvV19] [-S suffix] [file ...]
  • bzip2 : A file compression utility for .bz2
    • Usage: bzip2 [ -cdfkqstvzVL123456789 ] [ filenames ... ]
    • URL:
  • bunzip2 : A file expansion utility for .bz2
    • Usage: bunzip2 [ -fkvsVL ] [ filenames ... ]
    • URL:
  • tar : The tar archiving utility
    • Usage: tar --usage
Web Browsers
  • elinks : Text based Web Browser
    • Usage: elinks
    • URL: 
  • lynx : Text-based Web browser
    • Usage: lynx
    • URL:
  • Firefox : Firefox is a free, open source, cross-platform, graphical web browser
    • Usage: firefox
    • URL:
Mail Readers
  • Mutt :  Small but powerful text-based mail client for Unix operating systems
    • Usage: mutt
    • URL: 
  • Thunderbird
    • Usage: thunderbird
Window Managers (used with vncserver)
  • ICEwm : a stacking window manager for the X Window System 
    • Usage: icewm
    • URL:
  • Twm (Tab Window Manager): AKA Tom's Window Manager
    • Usage: twm
    • URL: