The 6 Critical Practices of Leading a Team

The role of a leader has always been tough and today’s realities make the role even tougher. People skills typically account for 80 percent of success in this role. Yet many people are promoted because of their technical capabilities. Both new and experienced first-level leaders can struggle when it comes to excelling at leading teams in today’s workplace.

This course equips first-level leaders with the essential skills and tools to get work done with and through other people.   Participants will learn to:

  • Develop a leaders’ mindset
  • Engage team members
  • Set the team up for success
  • Create a culture of feedback
  • Lead the team through change
  • Manage their time and energy

This workshop will be delivered in 3-2.5 hr. modules on the following dates:

Dates Wednesday, November 20, 2024
 Time:  9:00 am - 5:00pm
 Location: HR Training Room - Expressway Tower Room #208
 Facilitator:    Mary Stall, Organizational Effectiveness

This workshop counts as one elective for 

Enroll Now via >Employee Self Service, Learning and Development>Request Training Enrollment.  Enter Course Code "HR6CP".

Expressway Tower Parking Information:

Visitors to Expressway Tower may park in any undesignated parking spot surrounding the buildind.  Additional parking is available in the AUP lots W1, W2, W3 to the north of Expressway Tower as designated on this map:  /-/media/Site/BusinessFinance/Campus-Services/ParkingAndCardServices/Campus-Parking-Map-2021-22.pdf?la=en